She launches into her schedule changes and I zone out. Really nothing to do with me. I will be out of here as quickly as possible. If I could only get myself to switch back. Maybe I will have to wait until I am asleep again as that is when it first happened? It’s a working theory.

Constantine strolls out of the bathroom all freshly showered. His damp hair sticking up somewhat, and a towel slung low over his hips.

Serena clears her throat and flushes as she looks away while I just start to drool. My actual sire or not, he is still the sexiest man alive. A girl can most definitely get used to staring at that every day. Lucky bitch. I am so stupid for not having mine as a permanent fixture in my home.

It strikes me as odd, though, that he doesn’t seem too bothered to be wandering around practically naked in front of the help, but there again I don’t know what their set-up is. Maybe they are sleeping together. I narrow my eyes at her. She cringes and flushes an even deeper red.

Oh, really? I wonder if other me knows about this.

He disappears back into the bathroom to get dressed, at least he has the tact for that, and reappears moments later suited up for his business whatever.

He smiles softly at Serena then and she smiles softly back. Then he leans down to kiss me goodbye. A quick peck on the lips. Oh, no buddy. If other me doesn’t know about this, I sure as hell am going to give this Serena something to think about, and I pull his head back to mine plunging my tongue into his mouth to his surprise. But then he kisses me back with a longing I find, again, odd. I am hoping that other me isn’t going around kissing my sire, or my husband or any other of my boys (yeah, yeah…we have already established that I am a big, fat hypocrite that lives in a glass house) as I let him go with a big slurp to his bottom lip that lights a fire in his eyes. He reluctantly straightens himself up and adjusts his cuffs. Seems to be a CK thing to do that.

“I will see you later,” he murmurs.

“I love you,” I say to him as he turns away, wondering why he didn’t say it to me first.

He turns back to me with a curious look. “I love you,” he says lightly and leaves.

I glare Serena out of the room shortly after that and she hastily beats it, only to let someone else in on the way out. I thought I was supposed to resting and pining up in here? The more time I spend on my own the better. Less chance to fuck this up, and more time to figure out a way to get back home.

I am mildly surprised to see Sebastian rush in and drop to his knees at the bedside.

“My Princess,” he says grabbing my hand, causing a jolt to go through me. “I have missed you.”

Princess? I thought I, err, “we,” were Empress?

“I have been gone too long this time. I will never leave you for this long again. I feel like I am dying not being close to you.”

Erm, say what? Sebastian is the pinecone?

He stands and leans down to kiss me, shuffling me up the bed as he does so, and Oh. Holy. Crap. An electric current shoots through me, causing me to tingle and fizz all over every inch of my body, inside and out.

“Uuhh,” he mutters as he deepens the kiss and I cling to him not wanting this feeling to end. Her body is responding to him and I just go with it. It’s not like I haven’t kissed my Sebastian before.

He pulls away. “I love you. I have missed you so much,” he says with his hands on my face and he kisses me again, practically causing me to orgasm right there on the spot, just from a few kisses. Bloody hell fire. This is some connection they have got going. I wonder what is the cause of it? He pulls away again and looks down into my eyes as I bring my own hands up to his face. I see then that the swirly patterns on my arms and hands are now swirling away in twirly, hypnotizing circles. Wait, I am remembering something…I think. That weird ass dream I had of CK and Sebastian in the hotel suite in Toronto. Sebastian got off the sofa and his back was covered in markings. Just like these ones on her arms. Only I thought I remembered his were connected by leaves and these are connected by thorns. He sighs and lets go of my face and sits down, pulling me back to his chest as he kicks his shoes off. That is a bit overly familiar for my liking.

“You have caused quite the stir this morning,” he says with a chuckle. “Are you feeling okay, Princess?”

“Yes, fine,” I say, turning my head away from him. I don’t particularly want to be snuggled up to him in this way. “Are you?” I ask politely and he laughs.

“I am better now, my love. I told Aelfric that next time I go, he doesn’t get to keep me as long. A month is too much to bear.”


“Good,” I say as it is clearly something I am supposed to say.

“Drake was at Court,” he carries on conversationally, like I am supposed to know who that is.

“Oh?” I murmur. Drake…? Oh! As in King of the Dark Fae Drake, as in my supposed father?

“Yes, he was there to ensure I got back here before noon. He is not keen on waiting much longer,” he says. “Your father is the most impatient man I think I have ever met. Next to my own, of course.”

So, he is my father. Well. This is turning out to be quite interesting. At least educational if a little unnerving.

“Hm,” I say noncommittally.

Sebastian pulls me up and turns me to face him. “You don’t seem to be very happy that I have returned this day. I thought you wanted this as much as I do?” he asks, worried.