“Us two and another woman. I wouldn’t fuck her, but we could…you know…do other stuff. If you don’t mind.”

“Mind? Of course, I don’t mind. Yes, we can do that,” I say quickly. I pull him to me for a kiss.

“Will you arrange it?” he asks shyly then.

“Of course. Human or Vampire?”

“Human,” he says instantly as I thought he might do. “Not Dawn,” he adds with a dirty look.

“Consider it done,” I say, laughing at him.

“Now come. We are about to land for definite now,” he says, pulling me up and we saunter back out to the cabin happy and peaceful.

Dawn meets Cole on the tarmac and whisks him straight off to work to my disappointment, but now the real work starts. Cade grabs me and pulls me back to the big SUV sat idling behind the limo. “Time to get started,” he says.

“Can it not wait until we at least get back to the hotel?” I ask.

“No. The sooner they accept that you won’t be around much, the better,” he says as I climb into the SUV startling Nico. He and Dawn came down with, apparently, Ramon, earlier.


“Hello, Nico,” I say breezily as Ramon smiles sexily at me.

“Hungry?” he asks me in Italian.

“Very,” I murmur back and quick as a shot he is out of the front seat and in the back, next to me.

“Oh no,” Cade says as he looks at us both. “No way am I being witness to you feeding from him.”

“Sit in the front, then,” I say.

He glares at me with his most disapproving look and again I feel bad that I am disappointing him. What is with that? But never one to let that put me off, I climb onto Ramon’s lap to his delight and drop my fangs. Cade hastily leaps out of the back seat and grumbling to himself, joins Nico in the front. “You should try and get used to it if you are going to stick around,” I hear Nico say to him as I drink deeply from Ramon. I run my hands over him. He groans and risks the chance to run his hands up my thighs and under my skirt.

“Hands off,” Nico barks at him again in Italian. Going to have to teach Ramon English if he is going to be around a lot, I think.

He reluctantly lets me go and, with a soft kiss to his lips, I climb off him, if not fully satisfied at least not hungry anymore.

“One day,” he says to me with a sidelong glance. Nico slams on the brakes and pulls off the road causing us, of course not wearing any seatbelts, to crash into the seats in front of us.

Nico turns around with a look of thunder, that has me wide-eyed as he snaps at Ramon, “Not on my watch. Now get back in the front.”

With a slight shrug, he gets out and Cade, not having a clue what was just said, looks surprised as he is ushered back to sit next to me.

“Either you teach me Italian, or you guys start speaking English,” he mumbles, copying my thought from earlier as he settles next to me.

“I can teach you,” I say as Nico, with a final glare at me, starts driving again. I find his reaction most amusing. So protective even though his boss isn’t here.

“Maybe,” he says sullenly. “Just be easier if you all spoke English.”

“For whom?” I say with a slight chuckle.

Choosing to ignore me for the rest of the trip to the Four Seasons, we sit in an uncomfortable silence. I hate silences. Uncomfortable ones especially. I fiddle with my phone, checking emails but finding most of them dealt with by Jess or being dealt with as I sit here. She is diligent, I’ll give her that.

Finally, we arrive at the hotel and after getting everyone settled where they should be, Cade comes to find me again.

“Over your tantrum?” I ask as he barges into my suite.

“It wasn’t a tantrum. I am just uncomfortable with certain aspects of your lifestyle.”