“I am just curious, as I said, as to why they are separated from the rest of us. It’s no biggie.” I shrug it off.

“They are an elusive bunch. They very rarely come out of their own Realm. They are powerful magick users and incredibly ancient and powerful, as much so as the Dragons. Near as I can tell, there was an epic battle many eons ago between the Faerie and the Dragons. It divided The Underworld and they went off on their own and were powerful enough to prevent a takeover.”

“Huh. I guess that is the dumbed-down version of events?” It begs the question though how the blood of the Faerie is obtained for the protection spell for the Vampires. A few unwanted thoughts go through my head about that and I make it a priority to find out. I am Queen, after all, and this should most definitely be on my need-to-know list.

“You could say that,” he says, answering my question.

“Well, thanks. Please keep it between us that I was asking.”

“I will. I told you I like having secrets with you. It’s kind of sexy.” He kisses me quickly but thoroughly. “God, I want to taste you again. Please say you will come to me soon.”

I sigh. How other me keeps up with all of her lovers, I have no idea. I am exhausted just with the bunch I have, without adding more to the mix. “You should go back out now before one of them barges in.”

He chuckles. “Yes, that seems to happen a lot. Jealous bunch.” But he stands and with a quick squeeze of my hand, he takes his leave and I flop back to the bed.

Cole wakes me a bit later. “Time to land,” he says with a smile as I open my eyes.

“Land? I told you to wake me in an hour.”

“You were exhausted. I left you a bit longer.” He shrugs.

“Everyone behave themselves?” I ask and he laughs.

“Surprisingly, yes. I think we are all still a little fearful you may hop into another dimension and send your awful counterpart in your place.”

“Well, I hope that never happens again. I am still a bit unclear why it did in the first place.”

“We have five minutes before we should be buckled up, to finish what we started,” he says, trailing his hand up my leg.

“Oh, do we? We can do a lot in five minutes,” I say, pulling him down on top of me.

He kisses me but pulls away. “We still need to schedule another session with Devon,” he says. “I miss it.”

“I miss it too, and him.” I pause. “Do you think he is going to make a go of it with Jess?”

He gives me a surprised look. “What makes you say that?”

“He chose to sit next to her earlier. And he hasn’t been around much the last few days.”

“Do you want me to ask him?” he says carefully.

I light up. “Would you? Just test the water. Don’t say it came from me. I don’t want him to know that I’m worried about him.”

“About him being a proper sire to Jess, or not being a proper sire to Jess?”

“Both.” I admit. “I don’t want this for him.”

“I know. He is being unusually tight-lipped about the situation.” Cole says with a furrowed brow.

“So, you find it weird too? The way he is behaving right now?”

“Yeah, but he must be confused.” He shrugs.

“Hmm,” I murmur. Maybe I should talk to Devon about this myself. See where his head is at now. And so help him, if Sebastian has had anything to do with the turnaround, I will kill him.

“I have thought about what you said,” he says casually. “Would you be okay with starting me off slowly?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, sitting up.