“Shift to look like me and I will Shift to look like you, then we just swap places.”

“For how long? I can’t be here very long. I have a life.”

“Stay an hour and make nice and I will give you a piece of information in return. Come back again and you will get more. See how this works?”

Unfortunately, I do. I’m like Pavlov’s dog. A reward for good behavior. But I am here, and I need this, so I Shift to look like her and I grimace down at the far too revealing top, chiffon with zippo underneath, feeling odd as myself but with bigger tits, longer hair, and bright green eyes. She Shifts to me with a matching grimace and looks down at herself. “How do you stand it?” she asks, gesturing to the halter-top.

“Stand what?”

“Having no boobs?”

“It is my, our, natural form. I don’t like to adjust it. If I want a change, I make a proper change.”

“Huh,” she says as if that thought never even occurred to her. “You do know that all your boys prefer bigger tits though, right? Oh, except maybe Cole, but he doesn’t complain when he has his dick in between them.”

I gape at her and her crass remark. She shrugs and grumbles, “Who knew you were such a prude?”

Prude? Me? Hardly, but she is just disgusting.

“Let’s get this over with, shall we? And just so we are clear, CK is my target, I don’t want anyone else coming near me. Make it happen or I walk,” I add as she is about to protest.

“How? They will all think you are me?”

“I don’t care. Think of something. Oh, do you call him CK? And your Dragon tattoo, let me look at it, make sure it’s the same.”

She turns to me, nodding respectfully at my foresight and says, “No. I call him Constantine. Why do you call him CK? Is it the same? What about the Demon mark?”

“Yes, both the same,” I say. “If you don’t know then I’m not going to tell you. Now act like me. And I will try to act like you.” I shiver in distaste as she does the same.

“I don’t do sweet.”

“And I don’t do skank,” I say as I undo her spell, well, her magick is my magick, right? And stalk back into the sitting room, trying to act like her.

I plonk myself next to her Constantine and smile winningly at him as Devon glares at me. Constantine starts and stares at me before he hesitantly smiles back. He shifts his eyes to her, and the adoring look returns. Geez, this is going to be harder than I thought.

I touch his leg, sliding my hand softly up his thigh. “She’s staying awhile,” I say in the best New York accent I can muster. Having listened to Devon for decades, I think I manage to pull it off. I just hope she can do mine. “Make yourself at home,” I say breezily as I reach the top of his thigh and his eyes bug out of his head. “Can I have a word, in private?” I murmur to him, my mouth very close to his ear.

“Erm, sure,” he says cautiously. I stand and pull him up with me. I step towards the bedroom, but Cole stops me. “Where are you going?” he asks.

“I need a word with Constantine,” I say. “In private.”

He stares at me in suspicion. “Why?”

I glance at other me for help and she catches on. “Cole, dahling,” she says, her British accent just slightly over the top but then again, my American one probably is as well. “I am just dying to find out about you. You know we are married in my world, don’t you?” She casts him a sultry gaze as his eyes heat up and drop to her chest. Huh, she’s right. He hasn’t even looked at mine…hers…mine? Whatever. “Come and tell me all about yourself. All of you,” she says flirtatiously, batting her eyes at all of them and I inwardly cringe. If I come back out here and there is a full-on orgy happening with 'me' I am going to be pissed.

I drag Constantine to the bedroom and close the door. “Sit,” I say, but he remains standing. “Please,” I say with that look that I know undoes my own sire. He sighs and sits on the

bed. I go to sit next to him.

“What do you want, Liv?”

“You,” I say simply, and he turns to stare at me.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I want you. I want a better relationship with you. I saw her with other you and I want that for us. They are in love you know,” I say, my mouth inches from his. This is very strange. I feel a bond with him. It is nowhere near as strong as the bond I have to my Constantine, but it is there all the same.

“Suddenly, you want to try and repair all the damage you have caused just because of… what is it? Petty jealousy that she has something you don’t?” he sneers.