“I see,” he says stiffly. “Then you need to get over this.”

I step back from him. “Get over it?”

“Yes. Lance is dead. You killed him and watched him disintegrate to nothing. You know he can’t hurt you. And you need to go and see other Fraser. If he is the opposite of what he was as a human, you should go and see what would have happened to him had you turned yours. You will then maybe realize that he was better off.”

“Better off? Better off dying at the age of twenty-six because of some vendetta against me?” I am shaking, I am so furious with him right now.

“Aefre, you know that isn’t what I meant,” he says softly.

“No, what you mean is you are better off,” I say nastily, and he flinches.

“Aefre, you aren’t being very fair.”

“Like you are? You are supposed to be supportive.”

“I am being. Or I am trying to be. But again, we digress. Go back to what you were saying about her wanting your help. What exactly does she want you to do?”

I accept the change in subject as I don’t like fighting with him. “She is delusional. She wanted me to pretend to be her to make him fall in love with her.”

“What?” he asks in disbelief. “Does she honestly think I would fall for that? I mean other me?” he corrects.

“She says as long as I sweep him off his feet and he falls in love, it won’t matter when we switch back.”

“Well, I have no doubt you could do it, but I don’t think you should be going over there. You have too many commitments here and problems of your own to deal with.”

“I know, but she can help.” I sigh. “I just don’t know what to do.” I turn towards the windows and he wraps his arms around me. I lean back into him and feel comforted. He runs his hands lightly over my stomach and I smile.

“You know it is too soon for us, right?”

“I know,” he sighs. “I just wish it were so and then we could be together.”

“Ahem,” Ahmed clears his throat from behind us. “Have you managed to sort out your issues?”

CK turns with me still in his arms, hands resting on my belly. “I think so. Is there nothing at all you can add about this thing?”

“Except what his plans were, why he was killed and where the sword is? No, I’m afraid not,” Corinne sighs.

“Where is the sword?” CK asks.

“The Spirit Realm,” I say. “I can’t get to it without dying first,” I joke weakly.

“Not funny,” CK says to me with a sidelong glance.

I shrug.

“We will keep looking and trying to figure out a way to get you there safely and back safely,” Corinne says. I get the feeling she is not telling me something and stare at her until she looks away. Definitely guilty.

“What do you know?” I ask her. “Is it to do with my father?”

I sense CK’s eyes on me, but I ignore him in favor of glaring at Corinne.

“No, Your Majesty,” she says innocently but I am not buying it.

“Fine. Please do come and find me if you learn anything new. About anything.”

“Of course,” she says, and Ahmed avoids my gaze. This is getting annoying now.

I take CK’s hand and relocate us back to Toronto where Cole and Cade are waiting for us.