I ponder that for a moment, and it does sound like no one can come up with much on him. “What kind of trial? Everyone keeps mentioning it and yet not saying what? How do I get to the Spirit Realms?”

She shakes her head. “We don’t know and there is only one way to get there.”

“Which is? Oh... to die.”


“So then how come he gets to come here?”

“The rules must be different over there.”

“Or he is just that powerful,” I mutter.

“No, you can defeat this, Aefre.”

“I know. My other self did it so, I am sure I can too. If I only knew how.”

“Your other self?” she asks, confused.

I launch into our tale of time travel and she looks askance.

“Your Majesty, that is dangerous and something I did not think possible.”

“That makes two of us. However, it happened and the ‘me’ from the other timeline or whatever you want to call it told me she defeated him centuries ago.”

“Centuries ago? How is that possible?” Corinne asks with a frown before understanding dawns. “She has been Queen longer, since…?” she asks.

“1506, Devon,” I say.

“Oh, my.” She puts her hand to her heart and sits suddenly.

“I know. And what a bitch.”

“She is not very nice?”

“That is putting it mildly,” I state.

“I wonder…” she says, but then stops as I look at her with interest.

“Wonder what?” I press.

“I wonder if there are others?”

“Others?” I furrow my brow.

“I think she means a ‘you’ that was turned correctly by ‘me’, as it should have been all along,” CK says from the doorway with a look I can’t quite place.

“You mean another world? No, that can’t be. And besides which, we are getting off topic. The other me said she defeated The Thirteen, so I want to know how,” I say.

“When did she say that?” CK asks.

“When I asked her about it?” I say absently.

“And that would be in all of the two minutes

you saw her on board your jet?” he says now with a hint of realization. Oh, crap! Where is my muzzle?

“No, that would be yesterday when I went to the alternate universe,” I say, in for a penny and all that now.