CK glares at me, waiting for me to explain, and I just shrug. “Sebastian said you let us be together because I know his secret and take care of him.”

“And you just believe him?”

“Why would he lie? He doesn’t know we are from a different timeline. Although, we are acting very suspiciously, someone is going to put two and two together soon,” I muse out loud. “And by the way, where the hell are the Aefre and Constantine from this timeline?”

“Good question, but I don’t really care. You are now my wife and you will start behaving like it.”

“Oh, is that the way it is now? I don’t think so, my love. You may be blackmailing me into staying here but I won’t bow down to your unfair demands.”

“Blackmailing you?” he says and blanches. “Oh, Aefre, no. Don’t think of it that way. Don’t you see? We are together, finally, after all this time. Isn’t that what you wanted? To be my wife?”

“Yes, Constantine. It is what I have always wanted, but...”

He beams. “Then let’s stay and be together,” he interrupts me.

“But not like this,” I continue, ignoring him. “I don’t want to be thrust into this. I want to have lived it, remembered it. Actually, been at our wedding. Doesn’t any of that make a difference to you?”

He sighs. “I would like that too, but we are here now,” he insists.

“And the other ‘us’ are where? Wondering around the space-time continuum with no clue what is going on?”

The G6, Pearson International Airport, Toronto, 2013 – Future Aefre and Constantine

“Where the fuck did you go?” Devon yells at them as they land in a heap on the floor of the aircraft. She stands and looks around, brushing off her smart black all-in-one-suit. “And what the fuck are you wearing?” he adds.

She looks at him and then at Constantine who looks just as bewildered as she does. She glances at everyone flying on, what she thinks, is her old G6? Curious.

“Hello? Liz? Are you going to answer me?” Devon snaps at her, waving his hand in front of her face.

“Liv,” Cole says, going to her and sweeping her off her feet. “I was so worried.” He plants a kiss on her lips, and she stands stock-still. “Liv?” he asks. She puts her hand up to his chest to push him off her before CK rips his head off. Cole grabs her left hand and looks down, his face going cold. “What is this?” He holds her hand up to show off the blue diamond ring and her Faerie Silver wedding ring. “What is the meaning of this?” he yells at her, looking so hurt she wants to reach out and comfort him.

“Get your hands off my wife,” CK growls at him, taking a menacing step closer. “She is mine now and you will keep your hands to yourself.”

“What?” everyone shouts and starts talking all at once.

They blink at each other and take a step back. CK takes her hand and she whispers to him, “What the fuck?”

“I don’t know. What did you do?”

“Me?” she squeaks. “Why do you automatically blame me?”

“I may have more power than before, but I don’t wield this kind of power, my sweet. Clearly this is some kind of doing on your part.”

“But what? Have we gone back in time? It looks to me like we have gone back in time,” she mutters to herself.

“What year is this?” CK barks out suddenly and everyone shuts up.

“Come again?” Devon says.

“The year? What is it?” he says through gritted teeth.

“2013,” he says, baffled as to why they are asking.

“And, where are we?”

“About to land in Toronto,” he says, before the jet lands swiftly and they are once again thrown to the floor. A cautionary tale to be seated and buckled up and not standing around yelling at each other.

“Fuck,” she says, rubbing her hip where she landed on it. CK helps her to her feet.