He does? I look at him questioningly, but he just stares back at me with that impassive look of his.

“Oh,” she looks despondent.

“Erm, CK. Can I have a word?” I pull him off to the side. “What the fuck? Do you know how rare this is? She is three days old and is already thinking of someone other than her sire. If she wants to be with Sebastian, why not let them have a crack?” I whisper to him.

“I am not pimping out my charge so you can get her attentions away from yours. And like I said, he has other things to attend to.”

“Like what? Vivienne?” I sneer in disgust. His eyes snap to mine at her name, full of caution, but when I look back at him the shutters fall back into place. “No. He is doing a job for me.”

“So why can’t he do that and this?”

“Who is to say he even finds her attractive? She is hardly his type.”

“You are so infuriating.”

“So are you, my sweet.”

I turn from him in a temper and sidle back over to Jess. “We leave for Toronto in about three hours. Will you be okay for a while?”

“In here?” she asks.


“Don’t suppose I have much choice,” she says, resigned.

“We will talk on the jet about the job. I need you clearheaded.”

“I will be,” she heaves a big sigh. “I see how you are with Devon and Cole and I see how your own sire is with you. I know I don’t have that with Devon, and I know I probably never will. I’m open to any suggestions you have on getting me back to normal. I hate this feeling of being so dependent and out of control. It’s not natural for me.”

I glance at CK over the top of her bowed head and again he is as surprised by her acceptance as I am.

“For now, we will start with the job and, getting back to dancing will also help you, I think. It is regimented and disciplined.”

She nods. “I’m tired. I will see you later.” She slinks off to the bedroom and I turn to CK.

“This is…bizarre.”

“But what you wanted. You always get what you want.” He takes my hand as I walk past him and lead him out of the room. I close the door. “Not always,” I mutter.

“If you are talking about me, you have me. You always have,” he says quietly.

I smile sadly at him, not wanting to point out that we aren’t actually together in the way that I want. “Can I swim?”

“Of course,” he says and leads me to the pool room. “Do you want to be alone?”

I look at him curiously. “No, why do you ask?”

“It is going to be a busy time, these next few weeks. You won’t get much time to yourself.” A shiver goes down my spine at his words and I rub the back of my neck. Why do they sound so menacing?

“Since when did that ever stop you from spending time with me?” I ask him.

“Never,” he says with an almost sad smile. “I will join you in a minute. I have something that needs addressing first.”

“Whatever.” I shrug and change into a bikini. I lower myself in and float on my back for a few minutes.


“G roundhog Day,” Sebastian says from above me.