My shoulder hurts like fuck, but I refuse the painkillers that Michelle offered me. Cillian on the other hand, is being a bit of a pussy about his nose. It’s not even broken. There is no way that Ruby would hurt him that badly. She definitely held back, even if he reckons she didn’t.
“How does it feel?” Ruby asks, after Michelle has shown herself out.
I look up at her from the comfy armchair by the roaring living flame fire. “I’m fine.”
She rolls her pretty eyes. “That’s my line and I know it means you’re shit.”
“No,” I reassure her. “I’m good.”
She crawls onto my lap, and I accept her readily, eager to hold her, have her close to me, to breathe in her scent and know she is safe and not going anywhere.
She kisses me deeply, but we are interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket. She pulls back and fumbles around until she finds it and holds it out to me. “Deal with it and then no more interruptions.”
I take it from her and glance at the screen.
“Problem?” she asks, when my face creases into a frown.
“Just a job.”
“Take it.”
The phone stops ringing, and I give her a triumphant look.
“I want to come with you next time,” she says.
I contemplate that for a moment. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. When I’m on a job, I’m focused, cold. I won’t be able to give you the attention you deserve.”
“I don’t want attention, Declan. I want to see you do what you do. It’s a part of you and I want to know all of you. I promise I’ll be a good girl. You won’t even know I’m there.”
“I’ll think about it.” I already know the answer will be yes. Against my better judgment. I can’t focus when she is near me. She consumes me. Every thought, every heartbeat, every breath.
“Is everything okay with my parents?” she asks, changing the subject thankfully.
“Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “Cassie was rabid, as you can imagine, but weirdly Rex had my back. I guess he knows, he’s seen us together. He’s seen I’ll kill for you, now he has no doubt that I will die for you if need be.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Not a chance. Not now that I have you.”
“About the box…”
“Hmm.” I wondered when she’d bring that up.
“I think I know what you’ve been subtly trying to tell me. I’ll add to it in my own time. It’s with Linda, Tiff and Beth right now anyway.”
“That’s all I ask. I know it will help you heal.”
“I’m okay. Seriously. Shit was bad for a while and I thought things were over for me, but the five of you have healed me in ways that I didn’t even know was possible. I have reclaimed my life and gained even more. I owe that to all of you.”
I’m not sure I believe her, but she believes what she’s saying so I won’t contradict her. Time will tell.
“Not us. You are so strong, Ruby. You don’t realize.”
She shrugs, not looking for compliments or validation.