“Not the point. If I let her go, she will always be a thorn in my side, and everyone will know I let her go. Sorry, Mom. I can’t do that.”
Silence falls for several moments, but then I’m forcefully picked up from behind by strong arms, followed by a loud grunt.
“Put me down,” I holler at Declan, elbowing him in the gunshot wound.
He groans and wobbles, but he remains on his feet while I fight like a hellcat to get free.
What happens next, almost happens in slow motion.
Rex steps up to the back of Giselle and without even blinking, he fires the gun. He kicks her into the hole and picks the shovel up from the ground. Wordlessly, he covers up the body, making it all neat and then all of us watch silently as he takes some of the bluebells from the neighboring bed and replants them over the body.
I stop fighting and Declan places me back on my feet before he passes out cold from the pain and struggle.