“Adam is on my side. Vinnie is a dickhead who is about to lose both his dick and his head. He has used all of this to get rid of me, hoping Adam would take me out, so he could take over my turf. Or even better, we take each other out so he can take over Adam’s as well. Not. Happening.” I jab David in the chest. Well, iPad, seeing as he is still clutching it like a shield. “Now he’s taken Declan as well. He needs to die.”

“So how are we going to get Irish back?” David asks.

I look at Layton. He hasn’t taken his eyes off Adam since we rolled up and piled out of the Hummer.

“Adam? Got any suggestions?” I ask.

“What’s your beef with him?” Layton asks, suddenly.

“He’s my stepbrother and a complete bellend. I’m with Rubes on this one. He needs to go,” Adam replies.

“Rubes?” David mutters, casting his gaze between the two of us suspiciously.

“First things first, we need to find Ramsey and Cillian and then we go after Declan. This is ridiculous,” I snap, letting the two men know I’m not amused by this situation one bit. If they had stayed where they were supposed to, none of this would have happened.

Further comment is delayed by a black SUV screeching around the corner of the lane, practically on two wheels and, moments later, coming to a dead stop right next to us, that jolts the bodywork of the car forward a bit.