

Narrowing my eyes at David, who is now giving Adam the stink-eye, I turn my glare onto Layton. “What do you mean, you don’t know? And what the fuck are you doing walking through a fucking sheep field in the middle of nowhere?”

“Who are you?” Layton asks Adam, ignoring me completely in favor of also giving Adam a look that would wilt a house plant. Luckily for Adam, he ain’t no delicate flower.

“Adam Taylor,” he states.

“The Butcher of Broad Green Road,” David mutters under his breath. “Holy fuck.”

Adam gives David a thorough once-over, which makes him squirm like a whore in church on Sunday.

I frown at him, but then snicker. “That’s what they call you? I’m assuming it’s not because you sell meat on your day job.”

He snorts. “No,” he says, and leaves it at that.

“Ruby,” Layton says, drawing my attention back to him. “Can you explain?”

“In a minute. How about you explain why there’s only two of you standing here and not five.” I waggle all five of my fingers in their faces so they are quite clear, I know how to count, in case they thought I wouldn’t notice.

David sighs. “Ramsey and Cillian are together; we know that much. Declan is with Vinnie and well, it’s not good news.”

“When is it ever?” I snap. “Spill.”

“Apparently, there is a price on Declan’s head. I’m guessing he offed someone who has a relative that holds a grudge.”

“Or it could be something else entirely. Someone probably wants to control him. Vinnie is a known middleman at a black-market auction. I can think of a dozen men who would dearly love to have a man with Declan’s skills on their side,” Layton says, eyes still on Adam.

“Declan would never stand for that,” I say. “There is no way he would make it as far as an auction block. He will be out for blood. How long ago did you lose him?” I’m trying to remain calm, trying desperately not to throttle the men in front of me for something that is out of their control.

But it’s hard.

I can’t lose him. I won’t.

“About thirty minutes ago. They went off at junction 7,” David says. “They split us up. Our driver was on F1 duty and floored it while Ramsey and Cillian probably haven’t even made it this far yet. Layton gained control of our vehicle.”

I want to ask how but judging by the look on David’s face, it’s not something he wishes to recap and asking Layton is pointless. I’d get more out of a brick wall.

“And how did Vinnie get you all into separate cars in the first place?” I ask, arms folded, tone like a military General. Something doesn’t add up here. “And if you say, ‘long story’,” I bark at David, who’d opened his mouth to probably say exactly that, “I will rip your tongue out.”

Okay, so it’s an empty threat. He knows I would never do it to him, but it does give him pause enough to think that maybe I'm pissed off enough that I might.

“After you left, we spent hours cleaning up the casino. We didn’t speak a word to each other until Cillian broke the silence. He was pissed, but Declan was, well, murderous. After a bit of debate, some phone calls and the suchlike, we decided we were coming to Liverpool and the consequences be damned.”

He glares at me as if expecting me to argue with him.

I don’t. My heart warms that they were coming after me. Pointless as it was, or is, seeing as I’ve ended up saving them. It’s still sweet.

“Anyway,” he carries on when I stay silent. “Vinnie was waiting outside for us with his fave weapons and well, here we are.” He huffs out a breath.

“He abducted you?” I ask with a frown. He has just gone from dead to deader for messing with my men.

David and Layton exchange a glance that tells me all I need to know.

I roll my eyes. “Seriously. You went with him willingly, guns notwithstanding.”

“He laid out a good case. You were in danger from…” His gaze slides over to Adam and he frowns. “…him.”