“Seems she’s into the bad boys anyway. That guy she was with…Tristan? He is no saint.”

“No kidding. I know a psycho when I see one.”

“Do you?” he asks, his tone going dark and sexy.

I open my eyes and turn my head to look at him. “I do.”

He smiles, slow and a little bit menacing. Fuck, he is killing me over here. But no means no and I, of all people, am the biggest advocate of that. I really do need to call Scar and see what’s going on with these guys she’s involved in.

“How much do you know about him?” I ask.

“Tristan Scott-Parker is one of the wealthiest men in the city. It’s rumored he’s part of one of the Secret Societies that hang out at Solitaire. Also, I heard that he gouged someone’s eyes out with a spoon for daring to look at his woman.”

“Scarlet?” I whisper.

He nods. “Guess so. It’s a new rumor. But there’s been plenty. He is not shy about getting his hands dirty.”

“Well, neither am I. If he hurts her, I will use that spoon on his balls.”

Adam snickers. “I can’t wait to see you in action, Rubes.”

I ignore him.

A few minutes later we are pulling into the small lane I found. Adam slows down and I sit up to peer out of the window, looking for my men.

Spotting Layton easily, I say, “There.”

Adam nods and pulls over onto the side of the narrow lane and I climb out, only to be confronted by two men, not five.

“Where is everyone else?” I ask suspiciously, as Layton stoops to kiss the top of my head briefly in greeting.

“That’s the thing,” David says, clutching his iPad like a lifeline and looking a little green around the edges. “We don’t know.”