Tristan’s attitude changes on a dime. He gives me a dazzling smile and holds his hand out. Quite the charmer this one, it seems. I take it and grip it hard. Harder than is strictly necessary in a social setting. He grimaces as his knuckles grind together, but then he aims a sexy smirk in my direction. Yeah, he knows who I am.
“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says.
“All good, I hope,” I return pleasantly, but my eyes are telling a whole different story. I don’t trust him. He is as dangerous as Maxwell and if my sister is somehow involved with both of these guys, then she is into some seriously shady shit.
“Sooo, you’re okay?” I ask, turning my gaze back to my older sister and trying to convey a hidden meaning with it.
“Perfect,” she says with a secretive smile at Tristan that conveys a whole gross meaning to me.
“Okay, awesome,” I murmur. “I’ll call you later.”
She nods and with another heated glance at Adam, Tristan takes her hand and leads her inside. I watch them go, looking for signs that she is being coerced somehow, but her laugh is real and when she swats Tristan on his arm for saying something silly, he grins down at her and kisses the top of her head. I see only genuine behavior of a couple on the verge of falling in love. I do hope that Maxwell is aware of this situation or things are going to get ugly for my sister.
“She is something else,” Adam says, leaning over me to open the car door for me.
“Hands off,” I retort instantly.
He chuckles and holds both hands up, but his gaze has wandered back over to the doors of the club.
“Give me your phone,” I bark at him, climbing into the Hummer.
I wait as he climbs in the driver’s side and turns to face me. “Why?”
“Your asshole brother has mine and I need to call my men,” I say, having an idea that I hope works.
“Step-brother,” he corrects me. “And care to fill me in on your plan?”
“It’s got nothing to do with you,” I say and hold my hand out.
I have no idea what anyone’s number is off the top of my head. I rely too heavily on my phone for that, as do most people, I presume. But I do know the landline number for Black Widow’s and if I know David, if he isn’t there, he will have a diversion set up.
Adam slaps his phone in my hand with a sigh and sits back as I dial.
It rings a couple of times and then the ringtone changes slightly to let me know the diversion is going through.
“Black Widow’s,” David’s stressed-out voice snaps down the phone.
“Well, hello to you too,” I say with a raised eyebrow.
“Rubes!” he bellows. “Where are you?”
I hear many cars whizzing past at speed coming down the line, and the sound of sirens blaring. “I think the bigger question is, where are you?”
He sighs insufferably and says, “It’s a long story.”
“Funnily enough,” I snap, overly concerned. “I’ve got time.”