“You are a very demanding woman, you know that?” Adam grouses as he trails after me back to his Hummer.
I smile to myself. Might as well turn him off me as much as possible. There is no way any of my men would be accommodating to adding in another guy on a whim just because he’s hot and a little bit unhinged. Especially someone we don’t know.
I reach for the door handle, but a black Range Rover catches my eye as it pulls up next to us. An eye wateringly hot guy gets out of the passenger side and opens the back door. A woman dressed in a tight white dress that screams elegance and refinement steps out, shocking me when I see her face.
“Scar?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest and really, really wishing that I wasn’t dressed in this outfit that makes me look like a goth teen.
“Ruby?” she asks, turning her head to peer at me. “What the hell are you doing here?” She strides over, batting away the tall, blond man who reaches for her hand. He frowns at me.
Our eyes lock and I can see a possession in them that chills me.
Drawing my gaze back to Scar, I smile and hug her when she opens her arms for me.
“Long story,” I say. “I’ll fill you in another time. You’re working?” I ask casually.
She smiles back at the growly man and shakes her head. “No, not today.”
“Are you okay?” I murmur when she looks back at me.
“Yeah, ‘course. Are you?”
I don’t know if she is lying or not telling me the whole story, but something isn’t right with her.
“Yeah, I’m good,” I lie as well.
I turn to give Adam an annoyed glare, but he takes that as his cue to step forward. “You’re Ruby’s sister, Scarlet,” he says.
I wonder how he knows that, but then figure she’s in this file he has on me.
“And you are?” she asks, eyes narrowed with suspicion, but there’s something else there as well as her gaze drops to take him in and then rises again to meet his eyes.
“Adam Taylor,” he says, holding out his hand.
She accepts it, giving me a ‘fuck, yeah, Rubes,’ look.
I snort. “We are not together,” I point out.
“What a pity,” she murmurs, but she couldn’t be less unhappy about it if she tried.
Starting to get a bit uncomfortable with the simmering heat between these two, I punch Adam on the arm and remind him of something. “We met Maxwell before,” I tell Scarlet. “He’s inside.”
“What did you think of him?” she asks, her dark eyes inquisitive.
“He’s hot, I’ll tell you that, but also dangerous, Scar.” I lower my voice and pull her a little bit away. “How much do you really know about him?”
“Everything,” she replies.
Hmm. I doubt that very much.
“Are you done here?” her companion asks, marching over and giving Adam the filthiest glare I’ve ever seen. Adam returns it and I roll my eyes.
“Oh, sorry, Rubes, this is Tristan. Tristan, my sister, Ruby.”