“Who is she?” Tiff asks, her tone matching her cold blue eyes.
“Ruby,” Adam says, and leaves it at that, pissing her off immensely.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that she wants to be here. This isn’t for show. She left Vinnie to be with Adam and now I’m stuck in the middle of this.
Not how I wanted this mission to go.
Although Adam doesn’t look all that enamored with her, he seems more interested in me. This is just getting more complicated by the second. Why is she here if he doesn’t really want her to be?
“Come,” Adam says briskly, taking my hand and dragging me along behind him, “Stay out of the way, Tiff, this is business.”
If looks could kill, I’d be a goner. She is not happy about this at all.
“Do you usually flaunt your sexual encounters in front of your girlfriend?” I ask, poking at the now angry bear.
He glares at me, and I finally see a bit of the big bad simmering under the surface. “What makes you think she’s my girlfriend?”
“Oh, the jealousy, the flinging her arms around you. You returning her hug…you know…the usual signs.”
He snorts. “Well, she’s not and who said this was a sexual encounter?” he asks, indicating between the two of us.
I narrow my eyes. “I assumed after the flirting…” Now I feel like an idiot. And why am I trying to talk him into this? I’m glad he has decided a quick roll in the hay isn’t as important as the business we need to discuss.
He gives me that sexy smile and loses all traces of menace. “Business first,” he says and leads me around the back of the house to a small building at the bottom of the extensive gardens.
“Okay, so if she’s not your girlfriend, she’s definitely not your wife, who is she?”
“Why do you care about her?”
“I don’t like jealous bitches getting in the way of what I want,” I reply.
“You don’t need to worry about her. She came to me for help, I gave it and now she thinks we’re betrothed or some shit. She’s a bit…” He twirls his finger around to indicate the cray-cray and I stifle my snicker.
“That’s a leap,” I murmur.
“Well, like I said, she’s a bit tapped in the head,” he replies. “Enough about her.”
“No, hang on. I need to know if she is going to cause problems for me, because I deal with problems in one way. If me cutting you loose from her is going to be an issue, I need to know.”
“You’ve intrigued me,” he says, opening the door to what is clearly his base of operations, judging by the high-tech equipment and several large safes, which I’m guessing houses everything from guns to laundered cash. “How would you cut me loose?”
He draws me closer to him, his hand going to rest lightly on my ass. I don’t flinch, in fact, I fall into it. It’s the only way to get this done as quickly as I can and get back to my men.
“By getting rid of her…permanently,” I murmur.
“Details,” he says, curling my hair around my ear before he tilts my chin up.
And then I see it. The psycho under the cutesy smooth.
It sends a shiver down my spine. Unfortunately, it’s a good one. The sexy, thrilling kind.
“Firstly, I would tie her up and then I would very carefully, slide my knife down her throat, teasing her with the thought of death before I move on.”
“Uhn.” He lets out a soft moan, closing his eyes at the thought of this. The bulge in his pants is pressing into me. “Go on,” he croaks out.