Page 34 of Bad Uncle Too

“How did you know?” I pulled her back down on my lap and wrapped my arms around her.

“I don’t know, I just did.”

“And yet you used to hide from me all the time.”

‘That’s because as I got older and understood the feelings in me they scared me a bit. You were so much older, I was always afraid that someone else would come along and take you away from me.”

I needed a minute or two to process her words. It seemed so fantastical this story of hers. But knowing her crazy ass it was probably true.

“I’m not a hero baby, I was just doing my duty. There’s nothing heroic about war. Fighting is easy, peace is much harder to achieve.”

“But that’s just it! You did that without anyone getting hurt, even the terrorists. And to see a need and fill it, what can be more heroic than that?”

“Okay if you insist that I’m a hero, maybe you’ll remember that shit next time before you throw shit at my head.”

“Are you still on that? You should get over it already.” Yeah, like she only did it the one time. Fucking nut!


“Oh for the love of fuck!” I glared at the housekeeper that I’d hired and headed out the door.

My son was screaming his head off and his source of nourishment was somewhere on the property trying to break her damn neck.

I’d hired the housekeeper more to keep her company than anything else, since she’d turned my place into a damn farm and I was busy from sun up till sunset.

Our son was four and a half months old and just as ornery as his mother. Between the two of them I get no peace. And I have yet to figure out which one of them is the baby.

She whines and mopes and carries on when she doesn’t get her way, and her tantrums would make Damien blush.

He howls at the top of his lungs for the tit and that shit’s like every two hours on the dot. Greedy fuck.

The idiot doctor said that she was mildly depressed after the birth so she needed lots of fresh air and things to do outside that didn’t involve the baby.

Stupid me I let the two of them talk me into letting her ride again. Now she has the ATV and a horse that both give me nightmares at night.

After she’d told me her story and I understood that her father knew her reason for coming to me, I thought it only right to sit down with him face to face.

Cruella didn’t think it was necessary to make the trip, but I make it a point not to take advice from my wife because she’s one of those set in her ways types and crazy doesn’t take much time off in her damn head.

So we made the trip after I’d taken her to the doctor to verify her pregnancy and made sure that I knew what needed to be done to keep her and the child in good health.

He pretty much repeated the same things to me, only his story was laced with the frustrations of a father who couldn’t talk his stubborn daughter out of wanting a man almost twice her age. A man whose reputation he knew only too well.

Once we got their blessing, we had a small wedding before we got settled in on what had now become the farm.

In her fourth month of pregnancy she’d gotten this hair up her ass about wanting to raise animals. Almost a year later she isn’t raising shit, but me, and the men I’d hired were doing it for her.

Her pregnancy had been a nightmare, no wonder she needed time away from the little terror every once in a while.

She was sick almost every day except for the last month, and I’d had the unwanted task of having to keep her in bed all that time.

Her stomach might’ve been upset but nothing was wrong with her pussy. I think she was trying to suck my essence out my dick.

In the morning once she’d been through being sick and I’d cleaned her up and put her back to bed, she’d pounce on me for dick.

I gave her a walkie-talkie to keep in touch while I was working outside since the cell service wasn’t that good here, and she used that shit to make dick calls.

Every afternoon like clockwork that shit would go off until I started to feel like a damn hired dick. The rest of me didn’t even need to be there for her greedy ass.

Labor was a whole other ballgame. Please send my ass to war next time. The nut says she’s having one every two years until we have four, but I don’t know who the fuck she thinks is gonna give them to her.