With a look of disgust at the prostitute bouncing up and down on Jake’s dick, reverse cowgirl style, I inhale a shallow breath. The stench of alcohol and cannabis in this place is overwhelming.
He knew I was here to see him and asked his ugly right-hand man to usher me into the Gold Room at the back of the strip club. He wanted me to see this.
He is such a pig. What did he think was going to happen? That I’d join in?
The bored looking, yet beautiful woman is definitely a pro. She has to be. No one in their right mind would screw this asshole unless it was for money.
She lifts up and rotates her hips, knowing her moves to get him to groan and work him up even more. She wants this over as much as I do.
He slaps her ass to my disgust, but she just rolls her eyes and slams back down on his cock, lifts up and slams back down. I can’t help but look. It’s like the scene of a hideous accident – you don’t want to look, but that sick part of you can’t look away.
I’m focused on seeing his tiny dick and then it disappears inside her pussy only to reappear again like the proverbial bad penny.
I lift my eyes when I feel her gaze on me and she smiles, slow and seductive. She licks her lips and then starts to pant heavily.
“Oh, yes, baby,” she croons. “I’m coming…I’m coming…Ah, ah, ah…” She rolls her eyes at me again and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.
“Fuck, baby,” Jake grunts and comes inside her.
I try not to vomit at the noise he makes.
She isn’t bothered though. The second he is finished, she climbs off him and grabs her clothes from the banquet seat. She scoops up the wad of cash that has been left under her clothes and saunters out naked and full of Jake’s cum.
I shudder. How can she do that? I mean, I’m not judging her choice of job; you do what you gotta do, but she is a stunning woman. Surely, she can do better than Jake the Snake?
“Rubes,” Jake bellows at me. “You want a piece?”
“Ugh,” I spit out. “You couldn’t handle me.”
“So I hear,” he murmurs, which sets off my alarm bells. “If you aren’t here for a shag then what is it you want?”
I blink and focus. “A deal,” I say.
He stores his floppy dick away and zips up his pants. “What kind of deal?” He sits back and lights up a cigar. I resist the urge to choke on the smoke he blows in my direction.
“You stay the fuck away from my business and my people and I won’t kill you,” I state.
He lets out a loud guffaw.
“You’ve got sass, girlie, but you don’t have the balls to get your hands that dirty.”
I raise an eyebrow at that. Clearly, he has no idea the lengths I will go to hold onto my power in this city and to protect those close to me.
“Fact of the matter is,” he continues casually. “…you’re in a lot of trouble. Or you will be as soon as I send the police the recording I have of you blowing up that warehouse, so basically, you’re screwed.”
I clench my jaw tightly, but smile. “Hand it in, I won’t see the inside of a cell.”
He scoffs. “You’re little DI won’t be able to save you from an act of terrorism. Especially seeing as your business associate is the son of one of the most notorious top men of the IRA.”
I narrow my eyes at him and take in the information on Declan. Interesting. It makes sense now why he was so insulted in the car earlier.
I put my hands in the pockets of my long trench coat. The idiot on the door of this back room only asked me to lift my dress to check I wasn’t armed in the usual way. He didn’t think to check for secret pockets within pockets in my coat. Of course, I lifted my dress a tad higher to distract him with my bare pussy and well, here we are, me armed and dangerous and Jake completely unaware of how much shit he’s in. I wiggle my fingers into the small hole and grip the end of the Pangolin with my thumb and forefinger. Once I have a good grip on it, I stalk forward, holding my coat out with my hands still in my pockets in a show of who-gives-a-shit.