

Ifind Declan in my office, staring at the wall, deep in thought. He turns his head when he hears me come in and smiles.

“Do you make a habit of listening in to people’s conversations?” I ask, going to sit down behind my desk.

“Always. And I don’t just listen, I observe as well.”

A shiver goes down my spine and I make a mental note to remember to do a bug-slash-camera sweep when I get home.

“Do you have anything to say about what you heard?”

“I’ve said all I wanted to about that.”

“Good,” I murmur and then pounce on the subject that has been plaguing me since yesterday. “What do you have over Giselle Marchand that would make her betray me?”

His face doesn’t portray any type of emotion or give me any clue as to what he is thinking. I thought I had an okay poker face, but this man invented it.

“I can help with that,” David says, casually slouching against the door frame much like Declan did earlier, plain brown folder in hand. I can’t help the teeny tiny thought that he looks really sexy. I berate myself for being a wanton whore. All of a sudden, he has become fair game and it’s just my alpha female attitude running amok.

“Oh?” I croak out, earning myself an interested look from Declan.

I clear my throat and hold out my hand. “What have you got?”

“Well, while I don’t know what she had for breakfast on the first of July, 1996, I do know that she is in deep trouble financially,” he says, pushing off from the doorway and approaching my desk. He hands me the file.

“Oh?” I ask, intrigued. “I thought her club was doing well.”

“It is. She is a bit of a spender and well, she is in Scott’s territory. He is bleeding her dry every week and she’s letting him.”

“What?” I snap. I knew she was beholden to Scott’s protection racket, but I thought he was fair. All sorts of shit is being dredged up about the asshole I thought was an ally. That’s the problem in this business. Everyone has two faces, the one they show you and the other one that will happily stab you in the back with a smile. Even me, I suppose. Although I do try to be more one-faced about the stabbing. Cross me and you get the business end of my blade. Simple. Easy. No delusions.

“Well, ‘letting him’ is a bit harsh, I guess. She probably doesn’t know any better. She seems to be a bit naïve and is just paying what he demands,” David amends.

I inhale and think. I want to destroy that bitch, but getting on the wrong side of Scott right now is probably not the best move. But when did I ever let that stop me?

“Find a dummy, make her an offer she can’t refuse and buy her out,” I state.

“Ruby,” Declan warns.

“You heard what I said to Ramsey. Don’t make me repeat myself to you,” I state, not even looking at him.

“By an offer she can’t refuse, you mean…” David makes a slashing motion at his throat.

“Obviously,” I snap. “What did you think I meant? More money that she can piss away? No, my intent is to destroy that bitch and make her rue the day she ever crossed me.” I’m in a seriously pissed off mood now and the urge to gut someone like a fish is tearing at me. “Declan, you had better speak up now about what you have over her. I’m in no mood to listen to vague bullshit.”

“Princess,” he says quietly, drawing David’s eyes over to him. “Let me soothe that anger.”

“Uhm,” David stammers and backs out. “I’ll leave you two…yeah…” He slams the door shut behind him.

I turn on Declan. “Don’t think you have any sway over me now. That ship has sailed.”

“I don’t think it has. It is still in port and I’m going to make you see that you need me.”

“What I need is for you to start talking…”

He grabs my hand and hauls me to my feet. Turning me around, he bends me over the desk without a word. The naughty little girl inside me comes out to play and I don’t move a muscle, biting my tongue to stop words from escaping my lips.