

Ruby has frozen to the spot at the mention of my name. I figured she’d know who I am. Or at least, have heard of me. I hate to blow my own trumpet, but I’m kind of notorious inside the dark underbelly of the English criminal system. It’s why I’m here in the first place.

Before I can react, she has darted over to the wall and slammed her hand against it, flooding the room in a warm glow that is quite easy on the eyes after all this darkness.

She looks at me, her expression one of fear before she takes in my face and body with a lustful once-over that makes me smile inside. I often get that reaction, but it has never meant as much as it does right now.

She licks her lips. “You’re Declan Gannon,” she asks.

“I am,” I reply.

“You’re a fucking ghost,” she says, shaking her head. “No one, and I mean no one knows what you look like, and you show up here and give me your fucking name…” She appears to be going into a bit of a meltdown. “You fucking killed my friend!” she yells at me suddenly.

“Oh?” I ask. I’ve killed many people's friends, I’m sure. “Be more specific.”

“Derek Slater,” I say bitterly. “You shot him in the head from a thousand yards away from the top of the Deansgate Square South Tower.”

“Hmm,” I murmur, and then say, “Allegedly.”

“Fuck you!” she hisses. “He was one of the good ones! He was an ally, he helped me when I first got here. I was devastated when he died, and it was you! Then you stand here, brazen as fuck after pretending to care about me and…”

“Whoa, hang on a fucking minute,” I snap, pissed off that she dares to assume how I feel. “I do care about you. I’ve been watching out for you for months. Do you know how many people want you dead? Hmm? Do you know how many of the lower warring factions want to take you down? Have you just been walking around assuming you are fucking untouchable, Princess? Because let me tell you a cold, hard truth…you are not. I’ve been the one to keep you safe. Yesterday was a cock up. A massive one on my part and I can assure you it will never happen again. I’m sorry about your friend. Truly, I am, but I’m paid to do a job and I do it. That’s all there’s is to it. No right. No wrong.”

“Oh, how nice for you to live in such a black and white world!” she yells at me.

I shake my head. “This is getting us nowhere,” I point out, reaching for her to grab her arm.

She tries to yank her arm back, but I grip it tighter, hurting her.

“Let go!” she snarls like a lioness on the attack.

“Not until you hear me out, Princess,” I say.

“Stop calling me that. It hurts every time you say that word.”

Her genuine upset makes me feel guilty all over again. “I’m sorry for leaving you yesterday. I hate myself for it.”

“Good,” she says. “I hate you too.”

That stings. A lot. My feelings for her are infinite and standing right next to her naked body and not devouring every inch of her, is taking all the willpower I have.

“What can I do to make it up to you?” I ask sincerely.

“You can’t. Another man had to come in and do the job for you. How does that make you feel, Daddy?”

“Don’t provoke me, Princess,” I growl, feeling the hit in my nuts as she’d intended.

“Why? What’re you gonna do? Whip me and leave again?” She is absolutely furious now; her deep green eyes are flashing with fire. It’s turning me on in ways I can’t even express. Not being able to touch her, nor have her touch me, was something that took an immense amount of strength.

“I should take you over my knee and slap your arse until you scream,” I growl.

“What’s stopping you then?” she snaps.

I draw in a deep breath and then exhale, calming my temper before I do exactly what I threatened.

And then it happens.