I nod. This is mine as well. The Banker works out of here and it’s Thursday. Meet up day.
Declan pulls up moments later, right outside at this early hour. It’s barely 6AM.
“Wait here,” I say and get out without waiting for an answer.
I walk straight into the gay bar and wave to Franco the manager as I head on back to the offices.
“Hey,” I say, seeing the Banker sitting behind my desk, counting up. “We all good?”
“Everyone except Dalglish,” he replies. “He asked if we could give him two more days.”
I frown. Dalglish always pays up on time. Why not today? “What did you tell him?”
“That I’d ask the boss.”
“Okay,” I say. “Fair enough. Call off his protection for the next two days. See if that speeds up his ability to pay this week.”
The Banker raises his eyebrow at me, with an approving smirk. “Figured that’s what you’d say. It’s already done.”
“Fantastic. I’m fairly certain Maverick will hone in on him like an ant to sugar as soon as word gets out. He’ll pay by the end of today.”
“He is in a tricky spot right on the border of what’s yours and what’s Maverick’s. Must be in a bit of a hole not to pay this week.”
“Hmm,” I murmur and then smile. “Take your cut and distribute the rest to the street team. Something tells me, shit is going to hit the fan out there today.”
“You don’t say,” he drawls and then laughs loudly. “You are a fun one to work for, you know that?”
“Never hurts to hear it,” I say and leave him to it, wanting to get back to Widows to see what went down without proper security downstairs last night. I meant to go back, but for some reason, I crashed after my time with Layton and that was that.
I slip silently back into the idling DB9. Declan looks at me expectantly.
“Everything okay?” he asks.
“More than,” I reply. “Take me to Black Widows.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he mutters.
“Hey, you are the one that insisted on driving me into the city. Don’t complain about it now.”
“Not complaining,” he says, pulling away from the curb.
When he pulls into the parking lot of Widows, I see an unfamiliar, small red car parked up. As Declan parks his car, I stare at it, wondering who it is. I’m not left waiting very long when David jumps out of the passenger side and heads off quickly to the back door of the club. I’m about to get out and join him, when the driver’s side door opens and a woman gets out, stunningly attractive, even though she is still dressed in her pj’s and fluffy slippers with her dark hair bunched up on top of her head. I watch with interest as she calls to him and he turns around. My jaw drops open as I see her run her hands up his chest and slip something into his jacket pocket before standing on her tip toes to kiss him on the mouth with her fucking tongue.
What the actual fuck?
I guess I had him figured out all wrong. What an idiot. I’d placed him firmly in the gay camp, but clearly, that was wrong and idiotic of me.
“You okay?” Declan asks, looking over to the kissing couple.
“Yeah,” I say. “Just surprised.” I pull on the handle of the door, but Declan reacts with lightning speed, leaping out of the vehicle and darting around to open it for me, offering me a hand to help me out of the low-slung sports car.
“Thanks,” I say, but don’t take it, rather needing to not touch him in any way and struggle in my heels to get into a standing position.
I stalk past him and catch up with David, who pauses at the door and holds it open for me.
“Morning,” he says with a smile.
“Hey,” I reply. I don’t get a chance to say anything else as Ramsey and Layton come marching down the corridor, faces dark and grim, gesturing that we follow them into my office.
“What’s that about?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Probably going to ask you to choose between them,” he replies smartly, grinning at me.
“Fuck off,” I mutter and head into my office with David right behind me and Declan silently bringing up the rear.