“Yeah. I’m kind of a junkie. I have recorded at least a dozen episodes about Brooks Knows Best.”

“Wow. Big fan, then.” He stabbed another bite.

“The biggest.” She popped a cherry tomato into her mouth. “I bet you hear that all the time.”

“I do. More often not in reference to the show.” He winked and let the comment hang. Her top teeth pulled her bottom lip again. Interesting. “Are Max and I your first celebrity interviews?”

“No. But you are the most famous. A lot of actors who are former sitcom stars don’t stay in the spotlight long after. It’s a tough business. I’m sure you know that.”

Boy, did he. Once Max literally went in a different direction, Isaac had been on his own auditioning for commercials, pilots and the ultimate: film. He’d had moderate success, but nothing like being asked to come back to Brooks Knows Best.

If ever he’d been primed to make a comeback, now was his chance. Already the buzz surrounding the show’s popularity had ushered in more offers for him. Kendall had been turning down less lucrative parts on his behalf, thanks to his current schedule.

“When we record the podcast, I’ll ask questions about the show and the reunion with your fellow actors. About Ashley Lee’s directorial debut.” Meghan leaned forward and lowered her voice. “I love her. Tell me she’s as amazing as she seemed when she starred in Lamb’s Wool.”

Isaac smiled at the reference to Ashley’s starring role. A former actress, she’d been nominated for awards and had landed on every talk show in the country. She’d walked away from what could have been a lucrative acting career to direct a reboot of a TV show. Isaac couldn’t personally understand, but he admired the hell out of her for going after what she wanted.

He leaned close and gave Meghan the answer she was hoping for, which also happened to be the truth. “She’s better.”

Meghan’s eyes twinkled. In that moment, he had the irrational urge to press his lips to hers. He’d never experienced such an immediate attraction to anyone.

“So, the interview,” she continued, interrupting the sizzling tension between them. “Is there anything you need me to know beforehand?”

He sat back in his chair as several plates of fried mozzarella sticks, jalapeño bites and onion straws were delivered and divided. He reminded himself that the show—and the show’s reputation—was the most important thing in his life. Meghan was giving him a chance to talk about it, and he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to have her paint him in the best light possible.

“The only thing you need to know,” he said as he dragged a mozzarella stick through a ramekin of marinara, “is that Danny Brooks is back and better than ever.”