A loud crack of laughter escaped his throat, drawing a few curious looks from diners. “That’s a new one. I’m rarely, wait, make that never, accused of being a playboy. Max was the one who earned the cool-rebel reputation. I’m the responsible, squeaky-clean brother.”

“Or you were until you and my sinister sister lied about dating each other.”

“Until. My reputation bounced back when I mentioned my girlfriend.” He reached across the table and clasped her hand. “That’d be you.”

“Right.” Her smile brightened, thickening the air between them with sexual awareness. How were they supposed to keep their hands, or other body parts for that matter, off each other?

“I’m going to introduce you around. My director, producer and my on-screen parents are dying to meet you.”

She sucked in a breath that drew his eyes to her round breasts. He inched his gaze north but her tempting red mouth was twice as distracting. “I won’t let you down.”

“You couldn’t possibly.”

A waiter delivered their wine, forcing him to release her hand when he would have been content to hold on to her the entire evening.

Dinner for Meghan was the chef’s vegetarian special, which was a fancy mushroom risotto, sugar snap peas and slabs of marinated tempeh with a sticky honey-garlic sauce. The plate made Isaac’s beef tartare boring by comparison. She’d fed him a bite of her risotto, the act intimate and sensual. He wondered if the food tasted good because of the prep, or because of the way she watched him with an answering hunger as he chewed.

When dessert arrived, his libido was set to stun. It was his turn to feed her, and by the time he’d spooned chocolate mousse into her mouth, he’d already decided to invite her back to his place.

During dinner he’d admired her slight cleavage and bare, delicate collarbone. Back at his apartment, he admired the way the fabric of her dress hugged every delectable curve as she took the stairs ahead of him. Her long legs and round ass wiggling in that skirt had his full attention.

He unlocked the door and let them in. She twirled around, her crooked smile as attractive without lipstick as with, and he prepared for her to leap into his arms and stick her tongue in his mouth. She walked her fingers up his shirt and cocked her head.

Come for me, beautiful.

“I was only planning on staying a few more days, but now that we’ve decided to be a couple, I’m thinking I should stay the month, don’t you?”

He blinked, giving his brain the hard reset it so desperately needed. “Uh, yes. Yeah. Great idea.”

“Great.” She clasped her hands in front of her, and for the first time he picked up on a frisson of nerves.

“Drink?” He moved to the fridge. “I have beer.”

“Our favorite.”

He cracked the tops off a pair of beer bottles and offered her one. Standing close, he could smell the soft, clean fragrance wafting off her smooth skin. Could see the shimmer in her eyes giving her secrets away.

He wanted her, and he wasn’t alone. She wanted him right back.

“We don’t have to rush,” he murmured, letting the comment hang between them. Her shoulders visibly relaxed when he tapped the neck of her bottle with his. “To your first acting role. Break a leg, Squire.”