
Lord, but the man is attractive.

Which Meghan should have expected, since he looked, well, identical to his identical twin, Max. When she’d arrived in Dunn to stay with her sister and the famous Max Dunn, Meghan thought she’d been prepared to meet his twin. She’d been begging her sister, aka Isaac’s agent, to introduce them for forever, and now it was finally happening! Meghan was a bundle of excited energy masquerading as easygoing.

Identical twin or no, Isaac wasn’t a carbon copy of his brother in every way. His smile was full and generous, where Max’s smile—if he deigned to smile—was hidden beneath a thick, well-groomed beard. Isaac wasn’t clean-shaven but his facial hair was bad-boy scruff rather than mountain-man beard.

“Does the show require you to have a beard, or was that your choice?”

“Are these the sort of hard-hitting questions I can expect from your podcast?” His grin persisted, and she thought she might swoon right off her chair. Not only because the most beautiful man in the world seemed as captivated by her as she was by him, but also because of those eyes. Similar to Max’s, Isaac’s irises were a stunning shade of blue, but if Max’s eyes held the same gilded golden edge around the pupil, Meghan had missed it.

“I’m just getting warmed up.” Her podcast, Superfan TV, had seen a bit of success, but she hoped to gain more after she interviewed the hot twin brothers whose childhood show was making a comeback.

“All right, then. It’s a requirement. They wanted to drive home the idea that Danny Brooks is grown up.”

She’d say. Her eyes traversed over rounded shoulders and the T-shirt hugging the telltale bulges of impressive biceps. He wasn’t the kid a few years older than her with the teenage swagger. Isaac Dunn was one hundred percent man.

“Not that he can grow a full beard,” Max interjected, reminding her that he was still here. Meghan should probably save her swooning for later. Like, say, after her sister and Max left. “He busted his chin falling off a stage when he was seven. You can see the scar if you look closely.”

Isaac gave a smirking Max a withering glare, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Isaac seemed the more amenable of the two of them. Sort of like her and Kendall. Though her five-years-older sister wasn’t intense, Kendall had been sad and serious for a number of years. Far too many of them. It was so good to see her happy again.

Contrarily, Meghan believed that joy was her compass. She prided herself in maintaining her childlike wonder, in staying curious and letting life surprise her. Sure, that sort of whimsical way of living had been hard on her bank account at times, and yes, she might own a time-share she shouldn’t have purchased and couldn’t get out of owning, but at least she was having fun. If you weren’t having fun, what was the point of doing anything?

“Tomorrow is the big day! Brothers reunite on set,” Kendall said to Isaac and Max collectively. “Are you excited?”

The unthinkable had happened when Max had agreed to a small part on the show. Kendall had told Meghan that Max was dead set against appearing in front of a camera again. Over the last few months, thanks to Kendall’s talent agent voodoo, Max had been convinced to join the cast.

When there was a lull between the brothers, Kendall answered for them. “Well, I’m excited. Your fans are going to go nuts.”

Isaac turned to Meghan and once again she was basking in his complete attention. After watching him on television for years, and developing a debilitating crush on his character, it was thrilling to be this close to him. Too bad he had a girlfriend.

Her heart sunk at the reminder. Great looking, smiley and charming, it wasn’t surprising to hear that Isaac wasn’t single. He’d yet to be photographed with the mystery woman. Not that Meghan had thought she’d a shot at dating him herself, but the fantasy bubble had popped when she’d heard he was taken.


“Sorry to run off.” Kendall shouldered her purse and stood from the table. “Tomorrow we can record the podcast at Max’s place.”

“Our place, California.” Max wrapped an arm around Kendall’s waist. Between the gooey look he gave her and that adorable nickname, Meghan had no doubt how much he loved her sister.

“Our place.” Kendall, peering up at her beloved through her lashes, weaved her fingers with his. With one last wave, they made their way out of the restaurant.

Meghan turned back to the younger-by-seventy-two-seconds Dunn. Even with a background of noisy sports on television and the flashing lights of the pinball machine in the corner, Isaac commanded attention. With his longer hair, scanter beard and easygoing attitude, he was every bit the rom-com star.

A waiter stopped by to take their drink orders. She ordered the same beer as Isaac, earning her a raised eyebrow. “Beer girl?”

“I am not picky when it comes to drinks. I blame college.”

“What’d you major in?”

“Fashion. Not that I finished my degree.”

“You’re very well-dressed. The classes you did take paid off.”

She ran a hand down her floral dress. She was tempted to feel flattered but then reminded herself that his charm was likely practiced.

“Where are you visiting from?”