My man knocks at mydoor.

“It’s open,” I call out and strike a sexy pose on the couch. I lay on my stomach arching my back while sticking my ass up in the air.

The door opens and Bo enters dressed like a grim reaper carrying a scythe and wearing a skull mask.

“Damn, kitten.” He stalks toward me and rubs the tip of his fake scythe blade down my spine, hooking it under my cat tail.

“You like?” I make a purring sound.

I stare at his robe. The black silky material is thin. Practically see-through.

“Um, honey.”


“Are you naked underneath that robe?” I run my hand up his naked thigh and toward his junk, finding him indeed nude and going hard.

I go hot and wet immediately.

“Um.” I lick my lips and go to my knees as I open his robe. “I think we’re going to be late for the party.” I wrap a fist around his thick cock and take him into my mouth.

Bo jerks my cat ear headband out of my hair. He fists a handful and yanks my head back. Saliva drips down my chin. “Fuckin’ perfect, kitten.”

I smile and take him back between my lips. I grip his ass, digging my nails into his skin, marking my territory too. My red lipstick rubs off on his cock as he fucks my mouth. He’s got me feeling absolutely crazy in love with him. It’s happening fast, but I know he’s the man for me. I’m hooked on him. Addicted to his dick.

Just when he’s about to come, he slips out of my mouth. “Only way I’m coming tonight is inside you.”

I shiver as he bends me over the couch, shoving my skirt up over my hips. He rips my fishnet stockings and slides right in like we’ve done this a million times. He comes at me hard and fast. A river practically flows from me he’s got me so damn turned on.

“Fuck me. So tight and wet for your man.” He pounds into me, yanking my head back. A palm grips my chin forcing my head up. His hot come spurts inside me. He yanks out quick and gathers his cream in his fingers before thrusting them in my mouth. “See how good we taste together, kitten. Perfect match. You and me.”

Yeah. He’s got that right.

After we clean up and head to the party at his clubhouse. Outside is a bunch of lit up carved pumpkins that we helped Pam with a few days ago. She’s funny, but also a little scary.

Inside is done up like a haunted house. Fake spiderwebs. Stuffed dummies wearing creepy masks. It’s way cool.

Bo stops to say hi to some chick I’ve not met yet who is dressed like a she-devil.

“Don’t think you’ve met my Ol’ Lady. Karma, this is Bianca. Bianca, this is Karma. Viking’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you.” I’m practically glowing. He called me his Ol’ Lady.

“I don’t know how he landed you, but it’s nice to meet you too.” She’s a buxom blonde with legs longer than I’m tall. I get the impression that maybe she’s slept with him before and though I have no reason to be jealous it bugs me. She’s beautiful.

“I’m a lucky girl.”

“Right.” She winks and I can’t tell if it’s for me or Bo, but he’s pulling me away from her quickly.

We move through the crowd, looking different as night and day. Me in my sexy kitten costume and him dressed like death. Yet we work. We fit.

Wylla Mae waves me over. She’s dressed up like a witch and I’m glad I went with the kitten costume instead. Her husband and Sandman move off to shoot a game of pool. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Thanks, me too.”

“So you and Sandman, huh?”

“Yeah. He’s okay.”

“Girl, he’s hot and a hard one to catch from what I’ve heard. He must really like you to bring you around.”

“I hope so. I like him too.”

“Good. Now if I could just get Andi away from that asshole she’s dating and with Viking things would be perfect.”

“Oh.” I take a drink of a red cocktail someone was passing out that has fake eyeballs in it.

“Yeah. I don’t know what the deal is. Don’t get me wrong I love her dearly, but she made the wrong choice if you ask me. I just want her to be happy. And I don’t know...the guy she’s with doesn’t seem all that into her.”

“That sucks, but she’s a big girl. She’ll figure it out. If she is supposed to be with this other guy it’ll happen.”

“You should do one of your tarot readings on her.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“Just think about it. Think of it as a favor to me. Oh my gosh. I love this song.” Wylla Mae jumps up and claps as some old Halloween themed song blares through the speakers. She grabs her man by the hand, pulling him away from the game of pool he was playing with Bo to lead him onto the dance floor.

My man comes up behind me, putting his arm around my waist. We move around the bar as he introduces me to other members of the club.

His biker family welcomes me with open arms, and we party late into the night until a scream rips through the crowd. We’re the first to get to Pam.

“Did you piss yourself?” He stares at the puddle forming on the floor behind the bar where she stands.

“My water broke, dumb ass,” she gripes putting a hand to the middle of the apron she wears. Her and her husband are dressed as Raggedy Ann and Andy.

I smirk and she leans into me for support as Link barrels toward us to scoop her up in his arms.

They rush out of the clubhouse with Hound and Karma following close behind them.

“Prospect,” Bo yells to the other end of the bar. “Get a mop.”

“What do you think?” I overhear Hazel who is dressed up as a nun talking to her Ol’ Man Holy who happens to be dressed as a priest.

“I give it till Christmas.”

“You give what till Christmas?” Bo asks.

“The baby pool, brother.”