Chapter Thirteen

One Week Later

“Thanks for coming.”Logan holds out my chair for me.

“You said you wanted to go over some things about my trust. So here I am.” I almost didn’t come because I was afraid Bo would get pissed off even though he has no reason to be jealous. I take my seat and he pulls his chair closer to mine. I’m uncomfortable but don’t want to make a big deal about it.

I grab the menu off the table and pretend to be interested in the lunch specials.

“Did you hear that they still haven’t arrested a suspect in that murder?”

“Hmm?” I glance up.

“Mariah Granger. They found her behind that strip club.”

My stomach churns. “Right. Sad stuff.” I can’t exactly tell him I was there. The murder is still under investigation and the autopsy as far as I’ve heard will take a while.

“Did you know her? I thought her name sounded familiar.”

“In passing. She was always nice. I hated to hear that happened to her.”

Logan grabs my hand on the table and gives it a squeeze. When I cancelled our dinner date citing that we should keep our relationship professional he never replied until I got a call from his secretary wanting to schedule a lunch meeting.

I shoot him a weak smile and kindly slide my hand out from under his. “What’s good here?”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“You seemed excited to catch up, but then you called it off.  I’m wondering if I did something to upset you.”

“Of course not. I don’t like to mix business with pleasure. I think us going out would be a conflict of interest. I don’t even really know you. Not now.”

The server approaches. “Hey guys, I’m Joshua and I’ll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with some drinks?”

“I’ll take a Sprite.”

“And for you, sir?”

“Water is fine.”

“I’ll be back with your drinks and to get your order.”

“Thank you,” I tell him, hoping Logan gets to the point of why he asked me here.

“You said you wanted to go over my account?” I prompt, attempting to steer the conversation back on topic.

My cell phone buzzes.

“I’m sorry. It could be my Gram.” I turn toward him so he can’t look at my screen.

Biker Stalker:We still on for tonight?

Witch Bitch: Of course. What are you up to?

Biker Stalker: Playing with my second favorite pussy.

Heat flashes against the back of my neck I’m about to fire off a fuck you text when a picture of him with Boo shows up.

Witch Bitch: That wasn’t nice.

Biker Stalker:I never said I was a nice guy. Where are you? I stopped in and talked to your Gram. I don’t think she likes me much.

Gram is still pouting over the Logan situation, but she’ll come around. I didn’t tell Sandman I was meeting Logan. I probably should have but it’s not like we are officially dating or anything, but we have been spending practically every night together.

Witch Bitch: Lunch with a friend.

Biker Stalker:What did I tell you about letting me know when you go out? You know shit is complicated and I need to know you’re safe.

“Bianca?” Logan hedges.

“I’m so sorry. I got caught up in my message.” I shove my phone in my purse. Bo will have to wait. I’ll excuse myself to the restroom after we order and call him, so he doesn’t freak out.

I didn’t even notice that my drink is now sitting in front of me. I take a sip. “I’ll take the club sandwich with a side of fries. Thank you.”

The server leaves and Logan tries to hold my hand again. I quickly pull away and scoot my chair over slightly away from him.

“Are you okay?” Logan stares at me and he’s still handsome, but I get this off vibe about him. My gut twists into knots and my palms slick with sweat. “I mean you seem irritated with whoever you were texting.”

“Everything’s great.”

“You sure? You look tense.”

I shake my head. “Just thinking about Mariah and how awful the situation is for her family.” What I don’t say is you are coming off like a creep and weirding me out.

“I’m here if you ever need to talk.”