I drop her legs and she slides down the wall. I toss my jacket and my cut onto a nearby chair before pulling my shirt off.

“Bedroom.” She hooks two fingers into the waist of my jeans and tugs. I kick off my boots and follow her down the hallway.

I unzip my jeans as she shimmies out of hers. I’m in such a damn hurry I nearly topple over when the denim gets caught around my fucking ankles like its amateur hour.

Bianca stands before me in her purple satin bra and coordinating panties, and I don’t waste another second making her mine. I take her in my arms once more. Them short legs go around me as I cup her sweet ass. Her mouth meets mine full of fire, tasting of caramel. Bianca digs her nails into my shoulders as I kiss her hard and deep. Never thought I’d touch Heaven but I’m holding it in my palms. Diamonds sparkle in her pretty blue eyes as I lay her on the bed to have my way with her. Everything about being here with Bianca feels so damn right.

There’s nowhere I’d rather be. No other woman I’d want. Since the moment I saw her something deep inside me knew she’d be mine. Witch or not. I yank the thick straps of her bra down her arms. Her tits are fucking perfect. Like two pumpkins ripe and ready.

I take my time, gazing at her gorgeous curves and flawless skin, soaking the image in, breathing her in. I trace her nipples with my rough fingertips watching them harden under my touch. Fuck me she’s pretty. Not even had a taste of her sweet pussy, but I already know she’s the woman I want next to me.

I never knew what the fuck my brothers meant when they said they just knew their Ol’ Lady was it for them. I thought I got it earlier at Prez’s, but that was only part of it. Bianca has proven she’s my ride or die. She could have turned on me. Called the cops. Ratted us both out but she didn’t, and I don’t think for one second that she will.

I see it in her big eyes when she looks at me. Like maybe if given the chance she could love me if I’d let her. I’ve never been big on commitment, but she makes me think I could want it. That I could try. For her.

I continue to go slow, building the anticipation for us both. Writing love notes over every inch of her body with my fingers and sealing them with a kiss between her thighs as I yank her panties off.

Sweeter than I could have imagined the taste of her pussy coats my lips. My girl’s fucking dripping. I give her what she craves and eat her pussy. I spread her legs and hook an arm around each one holding her in place as she writhes on the sheets.