Chapter Eleven

“Damn, woman. Smellsgood in here. What are you making?” I help myself to the fridge to get drinks.

“Cheeseburger pie.”

“You need a drink?”

“I’m good but if you could take this guy to his dad, I’d appreciate it.” She turns from the stove and comes at me with one of her and Murder’s crotch goblins.


“Don’t be scared of Jarod. He doesn’t bite. Not yet at least.”

I put the beers and the water on the counter. “I don’t...”

“You’ll be fine. Support his head. See. A natural.”

Sheer terror cuts through me. I’ve never held a baby before. What if I drop him or knock his head on something? He grins at me and slobbers on his fist. “Hey, little dude.” I walk woodenly to the living room where Murder is grilling Bianca about keeping her mouth shut.

A bewildered expression crosses her features when she gets a glimpse of the baby cradled in my arms. Then she smiles and my heart beats wildly and that fucking image of her with her belly round and my arms around her flashes in my thoughts, and I finally get it. What my brothers have. What I’m missing.

I hand Jarod off to Murder and the way his face lights up when he looks at his son is the real magic.

I return to the kitchen to grab my beer and Jovie starts crying from the playpen in the corner.

“Shoot,” Alexa fiddles with the mixer. “I’m sorry, would you mind holding her while I finish these potatoes?”

“I can do the potatoes.”

“You that scared of kids?”

“More like I’m afraid whatever is knocking all you women up is gonna infect me.” I chuckle.

She shakes her head. “Maybe that’s exactly what you need.”

“I’m good, but yeah I’ll get her.”  I bend over the playpen.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. All right, baby girl.” I place my palm under her head as the crying dissipates. Her bottom lip trembles, breaking my heart. “Easy now.” I get my other hand under her bottom and lift, placing her against my chest. “I got you.” I smile at her, and she grins.

I pat her back and she puts her head on my shoulder as I return to the living room.

Bianca watches me as I take Jovie around the room, murmuring in her ear how she better not puke or shit on me.

Bianca hits it off with Alexa immediately, helping her set the table while us men tend to the babies. Never thought I’d be assisting Prez while he changes diapers. He does it all in stride, never complaining once. He wears happiness well. I don’t blame him for taking time away. I get it. I’d want to be here with my woman and kids too instead of hanging with a bunch of smelly bastards. I feel like a real asshole over how I bitched about the women and kids hanging around the clubhouse, but I’m not ready for any of my own anytime soon.

We survive dinner and I’m eager to get Bianca back to her place to finish what we started before we left.

Bianca stops me short outside her door. “That was fun and definitely not what I expected for a biker Prez.”

“Hope he didn’t scare you too bad. He means well.”

“He’s protective. You’re his family. It’s sweet, but yeah, he’s an intimidating man. He has to be though. I won’t say anything about what we saw. I have myself to protect too. My Gram to worry about.”

“Yeah...and we got something to explore here too.”

Her hand comes up to my chest, putting distance between us. “I like you, Sandman.” I can already hear a but coming. “But I don’t think it’d be cool of me to start something with you when I promised Logan a date tomorrow night. I’m not that kind of girl who sleeps around.”

“Nah you’re just the kind who puts hexes on a man’s dick. You can go out with your Logi bear but we both know’s my bed you’ll be in.”

“You’re quite cocky for a man with a cursed dick.”

“About that. You plan on lifting the curse anytime soon?”

“There is no curse. That’s all in here.” She taps a fingertip to my temple.

“You not even going to invite me in?”