Chapter Nine

Fuck. God damn it.I have no choice but to let Bianca march out the door. Serves me right for putting pussy over my club. I twist the cap off my bottle of Jack and take a heavy swig. Fuck it. I need to get my head straight. I need my bike. Shit.

“Prospect. You got your truck?”

“Parked out front.”

“Good. Let’s go. I need a ride.”

“All right, man.”

I climb in the passenger side of his white Dodge Ram and light up a cigarette.

“Where to?”

I give him the address for the witchy ass shop downtown. “How’s things going with you?”

“Ah, ya know.”

“No. That’s why the fuck I’m asking. Been noticing some shit.”

“Oh yeah and what’s that?”

“Kimber, fuckface.”


I snort. “Don’t pull that bullshit with me. You want that patch, best keep the fuck away or the only thing you’ll get is Link’s boot up your ass and his chain around your neck when he drags you to Hell. I see the way she looks at you. I’m warning you now. If you value your life, you’ll shut that shit down.”

“I hear you. It ain’t like that though.”

“That’s exactly what it’s like. Sweet little thing smiling at you. Blowing you bubblegum kisses. Fuck. You’re close to getting that patch. Don’t fuck it up.”

He gives me a chin lift. I’m not sure if my words got through to him or not. But if I notice the way she hangs after him other brothers and Ol’ Ladies no doubt have too. Link’s niece is still in high school. Dumb ass is flirting with some charges if he doesn’t watch himself.

Navarro drops me outside of Bianca’s and takes off. I glance around for her car, but she’s not here. Not that it matters. Probably for the best I got shot of her anyway. With all the shit going down with this Cloud Nine business and her friend getting iced best thing for a girl like her is to stay the fuck away from me before she gets dragged down and sucked into the bullshit. Hell, I don’t need a woman riding my ass either, but still, I find myself staring up at her window before I take off.

I get halfway to Prez’s old house before it dawns on me that Holy and Hazel live there, and Murder is in the new build. I’m fucking tired, horny, and pissed. That little witch bitch has me losing my damn mind. Bianca’s grandma lives near the new place too. I swing past on my way and see her car in the driveway. Part of me wants to stop to apologize, but she doesn’t know biker life. That women like Shiloh aren’t housewives. She doesn’t care who she fucks as long as he has a patch on his back. Whores need reminding of their place more often than not because they get comfortable and forget where they rank. The fucking bottom sucking and taking dick.

If that makes me an asshole, then so be it but it’s the truth of it.

I pull up to the gate at the end of Prez’s driveway and punch in the pass code. Only officers of the club have the code. I wouldn’t use it if it weren’t important. I think seeing one of the dancers get whacked qualifies. I park in front of the garage and the motion sensor lights kick on nearly blinding my ass. I throw up a hand as Prez steps out on the porch with a shotgun aimed on my ass.

“Fuck, man. Call first next time.”

“Didn’t want to wake up the twins.”

“Get your ass in here.”

“Right.” I kick off my boots not wanting to track in mud and piss off Alexa. His Ol’ Lady. Her bite is as mean as her bark. I’m not chancing getting on her bad side.

He drops into a recliner, and I take a seat on the couch. Pictures of the twins dominate the room. Prez is damn proud of his family. He ought to be though. He fought like hell for this life he’s built. “What couldn’t wait?”

I get right into it. “I did what you said. Got with the witch. She’s the real deal. Took me to the big cemetery on the hill. We hung out there a bit while she did her shit with her cards. Security guard chased us into the trees but then we heard a vehicle. Voices. Saw some shit. Two armed, masked men and one female. The missing dancer. Couldn’t do anything without giving up ourselves and watched them take the bitch out execution style. Fucker in charge had a familiarity about him but could be wishful thinking. Was too dark and far away to get a look at their license plate.”

“Damn. God damn it. Shit isn’t good. That’s two of our girls now. You call it in?”

“No. Let the witch go home and came here.”

“Did you touch the body? Is there anything putting you there?”

“Not that I can remember.”

“The witch, think she’ll talk?”

“She’s cool.”

“Yeah, well let’s make sure. Want you to keep tabs. We can’t be in this. No affiliation other than she worked one night at the Kitty Kat. That prick detective would love to stick anything on us he can without getting his hands dirty.”

“Yeah. Whatever you need me to do.”

“Wah. Wah.” The cries of a baby echoes through the house.

Alexa darts past us with her pale blonde hair sticking out in a million directions. The front of her black silk robe hangs open revealing the oversized for her faded Harley Davidson tee that hangs to her knees. Must be Prez’s. “Don’t mind me. Jovie is hungry so Jarod won’t be far behind.” She smiles and Prez stands.

“Church in the morning,” he announces as another cry sounds through the house.

“I’m out. Later.” I don’t do babies and diapers, but the little fuzzy blonde headed rug rats are cute as fuck.

On the porch thoughts of Bianca with her belly swollen with not just any baby but my own flashes in my head. I see myself standing behind her, cradling the baby bump in my tattooed hands, kissing her neck. I shake my head and tug my boots on. Fucking bitch cursed me. There’s nothing more to it. I don’t want to settle down and start making babies. I like my life the way it is. I’m married to my club. I don’t want what Prez has. Responsibility of a wife, kids, maintaining a house and all that goes with it. I have enough on my plate without adding to it.

And yet I drive past Bianca’s car sitting in her grandma’s driveway one more time before I head home myself. I arrive home and Hound’s fucking dogs start barking like they are the hounds of Hell sounding the horn for the end of the world to begin. One bad thing about living with the brother. Getting my own place might not be a terrible idea but for now this works. We have a system. He stays out of my way, and I stay out of his.

I kick off my boots and empty out my pockets. I go to check my cell phone for the time but find it dead. I plug it in and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and strip out of my filthy clothes. I grab a quick shower and hit the bed face first. All the notifications I missed while my battery was dead hit all at once. A text from Viking catches my attention.

Viking: Yo. Talked to Voodoo. Told him about that curse and shit. He said his grandma would know how to break it. He’ll give you a call tomorrow after he talks to her. Stay safe, brother.

I grin and shake my head. Fucking knew it. Crazy bitch. I knew she hexed me.
