Both men are on alert and moving to search the area. No matter which way we turn we’re fucked. They continue to bicker. The gunman grows closer.

“On my signal I want you to run for your car. No matter what. Don’t stop. Don’t look back.”

“Don’t try something stupid. I don’t need you to be a hero, okay?”

“Just shut up and trust me.” I kiss her forehead and wait for the asshole to see me.

Something rustles in the bushes and some deer make their presence known. I swear the biggest one looks at me and Bianca like she knows we needed a diversion. I nod silently like the animal understands my unspoken gratitude.

“Fucking wildlife,” he grumbles. “Let’s get out of here.”

Neither of us move until the SUV doors close and the vehicle roars away.

Only once I’m sure it’s safe do I move or speak. I release Bianca.

“If I ask you to stay here while I check things out, can I trust you to do that?”

“What if she’s alive?”

“Then we’ll get help.”

“And if she’s not?”

I know she’s going to hate my answer but there’s no point in lying to her. “We gotta get the hell out of here before someone sees us or we’re caught on camera and blamed for this shit.”

“I’ll hang back but I can’t stand here by myself. I’m freaking the fuck out.”

“Kitten, I don’t want you to see her like this.”

“I’m a big girl.”

“Babe... trust me.”

“I do.”

“Then you know you don’t want to look.”

“I’ll stick behind you and stare at your butt.”

“We’re wasting time. Just stay right here. I’ll be like five seconds.”

“One, two, three...”

“Listen, there’s only room for one sarcastic asshole in this partnership and that’s me. Be good. Stay put.”

“Want me to heel and bark for my treat?”

“Funny, but no, kitten. I’ll make you purr though.” I flick the tip of her nose. “Now be a good pussy cat.”

“Okay. Hurry it up.”

I leave Bianca and jog toward the tree as the clouds move back in and thunder rumbles in the distance. Not wanting to disturb the body I take out one of the flashlights and shine it on the woman. God rest her soul. I hope it was as painless as it was quick.

I trudge back to Bianca with a heavy heart feeling like a lousy shit that I couldn’t save her. The rain comes fast, heavy, and hard. Soaking us through head to toe as we make the wet, cold, and dark trek to her car. I know I’ve got leaves and shit in my hair. Knowing my luck, a damn tick will be stuck to one of my balls.

It takes twice as long to get back due to the weather and our sullen moods. Bianca has barely spoken three words, but I get it. I’m not much for forcing a conversation myself presently.

I need to call this in to Prez, but its late. I’m hoping I can catch him or East at the clubhouse. I doubt it’s the last place Bianca wants to be considering. Only I’m not leaving her alone.

She climbs in the passenger seat going through the motions of yanking the seat belt across her chest and stomach. I get in to drive, turning the heat and radio on low. I toss her backpack into the back seat. I leave her to her thoughts and focus on getting us the hell out of dodge without drawing any unwanted attention to ourselves.

Part of me wonders if the fucking weather isn’t tied to Bianca’s mood. Like the heavens are crying because she is.

I pull up to the gate at the clubhouse and rev the engine to get the prospect’s attention.

I roll down the tinted window enough he can see it’s me.

“What is this? Where are we?” Bianca glances around, registering the fact that I didn’t drive her home.

“Welcome to the Devil’s Playground. Home to the Royal Bastards.”

“Is this your clubhouse?”