“Ah!” I cry around the stretch and the slow, even pace he sets. His hand seeks mine at my side, and he threads our fingers together, planting them in the mattress above my head.

“I’m yours.” Dane rests his forehead against mine and declares quietly. “I have been since the minute you showed up on my doorstep with the beautiful baby we created together.”


“And you’re mine.” We’re connected in all the ways two people can be, and still his gaze feels like it reaches deeper inside. “Please, tell me you’re mine.”

I caress his stubbled cheek, my thumb running from his bottom lip down his chin as I whisper with tears in my eyes, “I’m yours.”

The animalistic rumble he emits vibrates against my chest. He crashes his mouth to mine in a soul-branding kiss. I hold him to me, his languid thrusts increasing to drive us both closer to the edge, until we fall over together into bliss.

Our heaving chests ease to normal. Dane slips from between my thighs, only moving far enough to shift his weight to his side. Most of his torso still covers mine like a warm blanket I wouldn’t mind curling up with each night to sleep beneath.

I stroke the back of his head, where he rests his cheek against the center of my chest. “Are you okay?”

My question breaks the silence. He props his chin on the back of his hand against my sternum. What he says next catches my breath and spills tears from my eyes.

“If I could go back in time,” he starts quietly, “I’d shake Eric’s hand and thank him for taking care of you. For keeping you safe and happy and loved beyond measure until it was my turn.

“It kills me you had to go through losing him for me to have you,” he goes on. “And if I can do anything to ease that for you, all you have to do is ask.”

“I don’t know what I did to ever deserve being lucky enough to be loved by two amazing individuals.”

“It’s just you, Mama. Luck has nothing to do with it.”

I pull him to me for another kiss that lasts long, sweet minutes. I part with heavy eyelids and a lazy grin. “Don’t think I missed you evading my question.”

“I’m better now.” A serene smile crosses his face. He brings my hand clenched in his to his lips. “With you and Ophelia, I’m finally whole.”