
Ophelia chattershappily from her car seat in the back of my truck. The two of us have a very special impromptu outing planned this morning, and I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge the nerves residing in my gut. My fingers remain crossed that today happens to be a good day because I’m bringing her to meet her grandma for the first time. I hope we can have a repeat experience.

Caiti ducked out earlier than usual with her laptop in tow, muttering something about an errand and working remotely from the coffee shop. The damn truth of it is she’s hardly looked in my direction since she woke in bed with me this morning. It could be the hangover or something unrelated. Rather than putz around and try to decipher the secrets of a woman in a bad mood, I made an executive decision for our day. Ophelia and I will have our adventure, and once Caiti is back, hopefully in a clearer headspace, we can sit down and talk.

If she doesn’t want talk, maybe she’s interested in other things to relieve some extra tension. Her taste from last night still lingers on my tongue.

I park near the front of the lot at The Legendary since little legs accompany me today.

“We here?”

“We’re here, princess. Hold on, and I’ll let you out.”

A cloudless blue sky looks down on us today. Sunbeams penetrate my black tee and heat the skin beneath. Once her little hand is secure in mine, we venture toward the front door, Ophelia skipping every third step.

“Hey, Nikki,” I raise my sunglasses and greet the woman in scrubs at the front desk.

“Hey, Dane. She’s on the patio with a volunteer today. Who’s this cutie?” Nikki crouches down to toddler level.

“I’m Ofee’ya.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ophelia.” The two exchange a stinging high five.

“Got any suckers?”

“Ophelia,” I admonish and wiggle her hand.

“I don’t have any suckers, but if dad says it’s okay, it’s cookie day in the cafeteria.” Nikki winks at me.

“Thanks, Nik.”

Ophelia skips at my side to keep up. “I have cookie?”

“After we meet grandma, we’ll have a cookie on the way back.”

The sun's brightness highlights the beautiful day against the dim lighting inside. The pond shimmers a deep blue in the distance, a trio of ducks floating happily along the surface. Green manicured lawns welcome a relaxing stroll with a loved one. I knock my sunglasses back over my eyes in preparation of the blinding light once I slide open the back door. Ophelia shields her eyes with her forearm.

“Sorry, princess. We need to buy you a hat.”

“A pink one.” She tilts her head back. I bite back a laugh at her scrunched face, curled lips, and wrinkled nose. I halt our progress to give her my glasses, but before I can, she runs off.

“Momma, we meet Grandma and have cookies!”

I ram my glasses back on, blocking the sun to scan the occupied seats. Sure as shit, right on the end of the row, Caiti sits in an Adirondack chair, holding my mother’s hand. The sweet sight hits me square in the chest. I’ve never had visions of introducing Ma to the woman I love, but here I am with a two-for-one-special. I can only hope the afternoon progresses smoothly.

“You do?” Caiti eyes me warily, a hint of guilt easily readable. Guilty for what? On my slow approach, she fills me in. “I swear I didn’t know this is your mother. I’ve been volunteering here.” Her voice remains uninteresting to little ears.

“Uh-huh. We get dem after.” Ophelia turns to Ma in her wheelchair. Her pudgy fists smack Ma’s knees. “Who’re you?”

A wide smile splits Ma’s face. “Corinne,” she replies in a deep Southern accent.

“I’m Ofee’ya.”

“Very nice to meet you,” Ma says.

Ophelia tips her head my direction. “Dis grandma?”

“Yes, this is your grandma.” Rigid muscles hold me captive while I await Ma’s reaction.

“You my grandma.” Ophelia points at Ma, who releases a joyful laugh.

“Am I?” The elation on her face pulverizes any remaining reservations for me. Caiti will never understand how grateful I am for this gift she’s given. “I don’t remember.”

“Yeah, Ma. Ophelia’s your granddaughter.” The confirmation sticks in my throat.

Ma caresses one of Ophelia’s springy locks. “You’re a pretty girl.”

“I sit wif you?” The big wheels capture her attention. I’m sure she’ll ask for a ride next, and I’ll be happily tasked with pushing them along the concrete walking path.

“Oh, sure.” Ma starts to struggle as if to make room.

“Hang on. I’ll help.”

Before I can stride forward, Caiti lifts Ophelia gently onto Ma’s lap. “Sit nice, Ophelia.”

Ophelia sits straight and grips the armrest with pride, the co-captain of her own ship. “Okay.”

Caiti drifts near where I stand a few steps away, but not before I notice her swipe her cheek with her hand.

“Hey.” I catch her arm. “What’s wrong.”