“I hate all of you.” She looks pointedly through the group as she rises and tugs down her dangerously short skirt.

“Any further and you’ll pop out a tit.” I can’t believe she’s going to do it.

Once balanced in the center of the table, Evie hold the mic to her mouth and gives a throaty, “Hey.”

To all our surprise, cheers and hollers erupt in the vicinity.

“Oh fuck,” Kiersten mutters. Cami bursts into a laughing fit, doubling over in her seat. I immediately dig out my phone and hit record. There’s no way she’s getting out of this now that she has the attention of the entire bar.

“I’m getting married on Saturday,” Evie continues, inviting another round of cheers. She swishes her white skirt around her thighs. “I have someone very special here with me tonight. Someone I haven’t seen in three long years.”

My phone stutters in my grip as my jaw drops. “Don’t you dare!” My whisper is as hot as the whiskey shot from earlier.

“She should join me, shouldn’t she?” Evie draws in the crowd. A few people even mingle near our rowdy table. A sea of faces spread far and wide.

“You’re in trouble,” Kiersten whispers in my ear.

“Who knew she was so comfortable in front of a microphone?” Cami slurs in amusement.

Me. Neon arrows appear overhead. I should have known. Evie’s personality is large, and her confidence is even bigger. I’ve never known her to shy away from a dare or back down from a confrontation.

“Get up here, Caiti.” Evie gestures to me with a wild hand. “I even have the perfect duet in mind.” She slides her phone into the handle of the microphone to read the lyrics through the app.

“You’re lucky I’m just this side of drunk to let you do this to me. Here, take this.” I toss my still-recording phone in Cami’s lap. “I need evidence for future retribution.”

The beginning thumps, rattles, and tings of Marvin Gaye’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” blare through the bar speakers. My head swirls a little from the drinks as I right myself on the table, and I cling to Evie’s arm for support. From up here, I can’t make out much in the shadowy sea of people.

“I’ll start.” Evie shakes out her red curls and croons the lyrics as if she’s the contestant fighting for a million-dollar prize.

“Dayyyyum!” I screech, caught up in the moment. Her confidence sucks me right in, so I don't hold back when the microphone passes near my face.

The two of us shimmy and sway through the song, our laughter mingling with the lyrics. During the chorus, she wraps her arm around my shoulders. I cling to her waist as we spin in a slow dance. Kiersten narrowly saves a glass from a perilous end by my foot. The enjoyable atmosphere sweeps me so deeply into its clutches, I forget all about fear, or panic, or embarrassment.

At the close of our sloppy rendition, the room erupts into more cheers. A round of drinks appears at our table, along with a group of three attractive men.

“Can I help you down?” The one in the middle—tall with light hair and sapphire eyes—extends his hand.

Evie shoos him away with a flailing limb. “Sorry, hunk. We’re all taken.”

“I’m still officially single last time I checked.” I flutter my eyelashes one too many times to remain cute.

“Honey, I love you to death, but if Dane hears you say that, you’ll be in trouble with a capital T.”

“Trouble with a capital T sounds like fun.” I giggle.

“What do you say?” The guy remains hopeful, and bless him that I don’t have Evie’s confidence to immediately say no. He doesn’t know I intend to as soon as I get off this table with all my bones intact.

“She’s with me.”

I must be drunker than I thought because I could swear that voice belongs to Dane. His calm declaration instantly puts me at ease.

“Baby Daddy!” I shout.

Before I find my bearings, a pair of hands settle on my waist and hoist me over the edge. Strong arms secure me to a broad chest, lowering me down a concrete torso until I feel the floor beneath my own two feet.

I squint one eye to peer into his handsome face and hook my thumbs into his belt loops. “Where did you come from?”

The quirk of his lips sends flutters to my abdomen. Rather than answer, he glides his fingers into the damp hair at the base of my neck, and without warning, he dips me. He follows me down, stealing my lips in a combustible kiss. I secure my flailing arms tight around his head while he devours my mouth, slipping his tongue in deep to taste the cheap vodka and sweet cocktails I’ve been drinking all night. After what has to be nearing a minute-long makeout sesh, he returns us to standing.

“What was that for?” I ask through the twirling in my head.

“I had to let them know you’re taken.”

The flutters in my stomach full-on flip flop. “Oh.”

He brushes the corner of my lip with his thumb. “Any objections?”

“Not tonight at least.”

“We’ll work on that.” He slides my hair away from my face. “Are you party animals ready to go?”

“This one is.” A tall man stands protectively beside Cami. She gazes up at him adoringly and leans into his side.

“Whoa,” I mutter, tipping my head to find his handsome face. “You’re Cami’s?”

He appears to bite back a smile. “I’m hers. You can call me Law. It’s nice to meet you, Caiti.”

“Remind me again on Saturday because there’s a good chance I’ll forget meeting you before then.”

“You got it,” Law replies.

“Rosie, if you don’t get off that table, so help me God,” Rhett growls, materializing from beyond our little circle.

“Hey, future hubby.” Evie finger waves, a sassy smile firmly in place as she hops down.