“Afraid to fall for you again. Afraid of being left again. Afraid to love someone.”


“Well, get over it,” I demand.

“Get over it? It’s not that easy, Garrett.”

“Then, you’re going to have to do it scared because I love you.”

Her eyes go wide. “What did you say?”

“I love you, Ansley Humphries,” I repeat.

“These past few weeks have been magical, but we’ve been in a bubble. We come from different worlds now, and yours wants you back.”

“You’re right. We do come from different worlds now, but so what? Here with you is where I want to be. I don’t care about the details. We’ll figure them out,” I assure her.

Sometimes, you just have to walk in the unknown. To live with the possibility that it could go really bad, but it might go really good. Sometimes, you have to let the risk be there and do it anyway. Because if you only do the things that guarantee a good outcome, you’re not truly living.

Her eyes fill with tears.

“We’ll figure it out,” she repeats.

“I like it here. I like the smell of old books, the aroma of fresh coffee brewing, children’s laughter, sitting on the porch swing while watching the sunset, Sunday afternoon naps, and driving down Main Street in the valley and waving to all the people walking about. Life doesn’t have to be high pace or in a high-rise to be beautiful. I already bought the land. I’m going to build an estate here. Balsam Ridge is going to be my home base.”

“We’ll figure it out,” she says again.

I grin. “Say it one more time, Foxy.”

She leans over the table. “I love you, too, and we’ll figure it out.”

I kiss her nose and then her lips.

“Don’t break my heart again.”

“I won’t.”

Pierce returns at that moment. “Looks like you’re going to need to give me a lift to the airport. I’ve got to get back to the city.”

“Now?” I ask.

“Nah, in a few hours, but I’ll be back next week with the band and that check,” he says.

He looks from me to Ansley’s tearstained face. “What’d I miss?” he asks.

“Ansley loves me,” I reply.

His eyes go wide. “You sure you want to hitch your wagon to this jackass?” he asks her.

I sit back and grin.

Ansley bursts out laughing.

Fucking Pierce.