He waves me off.

“No more of that sir business. You can call me dad.”


I guess he meant what he said when I took him to dinner last night and he gave his blessing when asked for his daughter’s hand.

Dinner is catered in by a new local farm-to-table restaurant in the valley, champagne flows, and we hit the dance floor as the band plays.

It’s a great night.

At one point, I find Ansley at the west-facing windows pointing out the spot where the crew has begun to clear the land where our future home will sit. “It’s going to have one hell of a view,” Erin notes.

“What a great spot,” Taeli agrees.

“Your man must be loaded,” a girl I don’t recognize adds.

“He is,” Jena confirms.

I wrap an arm around Ansley’s waist and she leans back into my chest. “Hey, babe, I was just showing the girls our happy place,” she announces. “So you must be the high roller,” the stranger says.

“And you are?” I ask.

“Maxine, but everyone calls me Maxi.”

Wait, I vaguely remember her. She’s the girl who was filling out an application when Corbin and I were having dinner.

“It’s nice to meet you. Are you new in town?”

Erin tosses an arm over her shoulders.

“Yep. She’s the new waitress at the brewery. We met when she came in looking for a rental. She’s moving into the cabin Taeli vacated.”

“Welcome to Balsam Ridge. I’m sure you’ll love it here,” I say when I hear a crash.

I turn and see Corbin covered in wine and glass shattered on the floor at his feet. Susanna is screaming something at him over the sound of the band as he tries to calm her down.

“Who’s the psycho?” Maxi asks.

“Susanna, Garrett’s brother’s on-again and off-again girlfriend,” Jena answers.

“Looks like it’s off again,” Maxi muses.

“Excuse me, ladies, I’ll be right back,” I say as I rush over to them.

Graham and Langford meet me just as Susanna takes off toward the exit and Corbin stomps off after her.

“We’ve got to get him away from her once and for all,” Langford growls. “It’s time,” I agree.

Graham clasps my shoulder.

“Nothing we can do tonight. Let’s go enjoy the party and deal with that train wreck another day. Go get your fiancée, brother.”

I do just that.