
The week flies by. Before I know it, Garrett and I are picking up his manager and band members from the airport.

I know the clock is ticking on our time together, and the closer it comes to him leaving, the more apprehensive I get, but he is a master at calming me down.

In the day of cell phones and video chat, it’s not like we’ll be disconnected, no matter where his career takes him.

I guess I’m just anxious because it’s all new and it still feels fragile.

But isn’t love always fragile? We’re all a misstep or a tragedy away from losing the one we love. So, we have to have faith that we’ll get tomorrow but love like we won’t.

I’m learning to let go and just let life take us wherever it will, and hopefully, by this time next year, I’ll even have the freedom to be able to travel with him when he tours. I’d love for us to see the world together, just like we planned to all those years ago.

The benefit for Theo’s family is a massive success. Once all the money is tallied, the town raised almost half a million dollars for the family. In no small part due to the publicity Garrett’s record label came through with. Not only did they send a check for two hundred thousand dollars, but they also made sure every news outlet in the southeast is here to cover the event. Donations came flooding in from Garrett’s fans everywhere.

He and the band put on one hell of a show as well. It’s the first time I’m able to see him on stage, doing what he loves. I have a front-row seat and it’s thrilling.

My man was born to entertain.

Jesse is already in Memphis with his wife and son, he left the moment he found out what we were up to. Hilton Tuttle along with his two older children accept the money on his behalf and reads a heartfelt letter from the family to the crowd not leaving a dry eye.

My heart swells with pride for Garrett. He did this for them.

My eye catches Sara-Beth’s across the fairgrounds and I see the same pride reflected in her expression.

I accompany Garrett, Pierce, and the band to the airport to catch their flight back to Nashville.

Garrett and I follow their van in the Land Rover.

The entire drive, I do my best to hold back tears.

Garrett holds my hand tightly.

He doesn’t want to leave, but he’s itching to get back in the recording studio, so I do my best not to break down on him.

When we pull up to the gate, I exit the vehicle to say good-bye.

The band unloads all of their equipment from the back of the Land Rover, and they head inside to give us a moment of privacy.

He wraps me in his arms. “Call me when you get back to the valley,” he instructs.

“I will. The girls are meeting me at the rental company in Knoxville to return the Land Rover, and we’ll probably stop for dinner, but I’ll call once I’m home and tucked safely in bed.”

He groans, and then he brings his hand up and tucks my hair behind my ear.

“I’ll try to come back and spend at least a week with you before the tour starts,” he promises.

I bear up on my tiptoes and lay my forehead against his. “I’m going to be okay, Garrett. Don’t worry about me. Concentrate on getting your work done. If you can’t make it home, I’ll find someone to cover for me at the café, and I’ll come to you for a week.”

He smiles. “I’m going to miss you, but I’ll call you every night, so I can hear your voice.”

“I’m going to miss you,” I say.

“Hey, lover boy, kiss her already before the plane takes off without you,” Pierce shouts.

Garrett throws up his middle finger, and Pierce laughs.

He takes my mouth with his, and I pour all my fear, sadness, and love into that passionate kiss.

“I love you, Foxy,” he says as he releases me and starts walking backward toward the building.

“I love you. Behave yourself,” I reply.

I stand on the curb until he disappears into the airport. Then, I take a deep breath, slide my sunglasses onto my face, and drive away.

Erin, Jena, and Taeli are waiting when I pull into the rental agency. As soon as I step out of the SUV, I run into their open arms.

“Come on, girl. Let’s get you out of here. We’ll go eat and do some tequila shots,” Jena says.

“That sounds like an excellent plan,” I agree.

They do their best to cheer me up, and by the time we make it home, I’m feeling so much better.

They drop me off at my place, and I run upstairs to call Garrett.

He answers on the first ring. “Hey, Foxy.”

“Hey. How was your flight?” I ask.

“It was forty-five minutes of pure hell, having to listen to Pierce’s mouth.”

I giggle.

“What about your drive?”

“The girls and I stopped to eat, and they bought me a lot of shots. I slept in the car the last hour of the drive.”

“So, you’re at home, in bed, and drunk?”

“Not drunk. Tipsy.”

“I wish I were there to tuck your tipsy ass in.”

“Mmm, me too,” I agree.

“Want to have phone sex?” he asks.