
Iexit the private jet that my label sent to get me from Los Angeles to the runway in Knoxville and am met by my manager, Pierce, and publicist, Aaron, on the tarmac.

The two of them wrangle me to a waiting limo and enter the back with me.

“You look like shit,” Aaron says as he hands me a bottle of water.

“Thanks. You look pretty haggard yourself,” I quip.

“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you have to cut your honeymoon short, leaving your new bride in Fiji, and are up all night, doing damage control because one of your biggest clients is a dumb fuck,” he snaps.

I sigh. “I know. I’m sorry, man. Things just got out of control.”

“This is why you have to stop dating these hotheaded Instagram models. They’re immature, and they have a huge social media presence. Do you know how hard it is to contain a situation when you have a screaming female with two million followers live-streaming herself, crying her eyes out? Fuck, it’s like trying to get a genie back in a bottle,” Aaron adds.

I take the tips of my fingers and start rubbing my temples.

“Here, take these.”

Pierce taps two aspirin into the palm of my hand.

“Tatiana is just embarrassed by all the press,” I explain.

“Tatiana is an immature clout seeker,” Pierce accuses.

“Yeah, well, after what happened in LA, I’m pretty sure we’re over, so you won’t have to worry about her anymore.”

Pierce laughs humorlessly. “You’re a damn fool if you think she’s not gonna milk this situation for as long as she can.”

“Is there any possibility that other woman’s baby is yours?” Aaron asks.

I glare at him. “No. I told you it was a one-night stand I haven’t seen in over a year and a half. Those pictures were from the music festival in Orlando. There’s no way. Tatiana knows that too. She’s just being emotional.”

He nods. “I figured as much. I just wanted to make sure before we make a formal statement. I think the best course of action at this point is to do the paternity test and be done with it.”

“Are you serious? Why should I do a test? I haven’t laid eyes on her in over a year,” I protest.

“I know that, and you know that, but you’re going to have to prove it to the public or pay the girl off to stop claiming it’s yours,” he informs me.

Fuck. I’m so tired of having to pay off liars and cheats.

“No, she’s not getting a dime from me. I’ll take the damn test,” I sneer.

“Good. It’s all set. We’ll stop by the clinic before we take you to pick up your rental car,” Aaron informs.

Apparently, I’m taking a forced respite at the request of my record label.

“Is this really necessary? What about the tour?” I ask.

“The label has pushed back your dates and rescheduled the first five stops for the first of the year,” Pierce confirms.

“What about the new album? It’s almost complete. I just need to finish a few more songs,” I protest.

“That’s been put on hold too. And again, we have a lot of damage control to tend to. Honestly, Garrett, they were wanting to scrap the record release and cancel the entire tour, and it took me hours of phone calls to get them to agree to the reschedule,” Pierce says.

“They’re overreacting,” I hiss.

“You showed up drunk to the studio yesterday, Garrett.”

“I wasn’t drunk. I had a few beers,” I correct him.

“How many times have I told you that you can’t drink before recording sessions?”

“I’m a little stressed, okay?”

“Being late, fighting with your producers, and drowning your sorrows in the bottom of a bottle are not the answer. You’re on thin ice with the label,” Aaron interjects.

“I’m the best client they have. I’ve made more money for that label the last couple of years than all their other acts combined.”

“You’re talented—there’s no question about that—but talent alone will not cut it. You have to be dependable. You’re going to take this hiatus seriously. If you don’t get your shit together, they’re going to cut you loose, and so will I,” Pierce threatens.

We both know he’s lying.

“You’re bluffing,” I say.

“Fuck you, Garrett. It’s not just your career you’re messing with. I signed you because you are a great artist, and you have more talent in your little finger than most of the cookie-cutter voices on the radio these days, but if you don’t straighten up, you’re gonna waste all that talent. Such a damn shame.”

“You need to lie low while we get the paternity thing straightened out and deal with the legal repercussions of the damage Tatiana did at the venue, the guy you assaulted, and your arrest,” Aaron agrees.

“Can’t I just go to the Caribbean or something for a couple of weeks?” I ask.