“You kissed him? How was it?” Erin asks.

Erin, Jena, and Taeli were at the door with a bottle of tequila in hand within twenty minutes of my text. They know the SOS means to bring the tequila.

“Toe-curling,” I admit.

“Uh-oh,” Jena says.

“I know. I’m so weak,” I whine.

“No, you’re not. You’re a strong, confident woman,” Erin insists.

“Yeah, Garrett Tuttle has that effect on women,” Taeli offers.

“I just wish he didn’t make my pulse race every time I saw him. I get all tongue-tied. Afterward, I can think of every single snappy comeback I should have said, but instead, I run like a coward, and it infuriates me,” I admit.

“Are you crazy? He is hot as hell. Why are you running from him?” Jena asks.

“Because …” I start.

“Because he still revs your engine,” Jena finishes.

“How? How does he do that? I hate him.”

“Hell, I say, next time, you should take hold of him and pull him into your bed and rock his world. I mean, pull out every rodeo trick in your arsenal. Fuck him sideways and show him how good you’ve gotten at it since high school. Then, pull your skirt down and give him a polite thank you and kick him out of your apartment,” Erin says.

“Oh, I like that idea. Revenge sex. It’s the best kind. Even better than angry sex because it has the same intensity but with, you know, the revenge part,” Jena agrees.

“Exactly. Plus, you’re in your sexual prime now. I mean, the man wouldn’t stand a chance,” Erin adds.

“I don’t know if I could,” I mutter.

“Sure you can, and even better, turn the tables on him. Enter a non-emotional physical relationship with the man while he’s home. Wrap him around your little finger. Make him fall so hard that he can’t see straight and then leave him in a motel in the middle of the night,” Erin suggests.

“Hmm,” Jena mumbles.

“What? It’s a win-win. She gets revenge and gets to knock the rust off her bumper,” Erin insists.

“She hates him though—rightfully so, might I add. Ansley, if you want to jump into the whole no-strings-attached, sexual-gratification thing, maybe you should pick someone that you at least like a little bit.”

“Dude, she has eyes. She likes him. Hell, we all like him,” Erin points out.

“I don’t know. This whole enemies-with-benefits thing sounds dangerous to me. Besides, I thought we were all for her giving Kevin a chance?” Taeli asks.

“Right, Kevin. Well, we were, but Garrett is the plot twist,” Erin says.

“Ah, poor Kevin. He’s your Jacob Black,” Jena adds.

“Poor Kevin? Jeez, guys, it’s not like she’s cheating on him. They haven’t even been out on a date. I say, she gets Garrett well and good out of her system, and then maybe she’ll finally be ready to move on with someone like Kevin,” Erin argues.

Taeli comes over and lays a supportive hand on my shoulder. “You were in love with Garrett once. What if you fall for him again and it breaks your heart when he goes back to Nashville?” Taeli asks.

“She won’t. We won’t let her,” Erin insists.

Jena rolls her eyes. “When have we ever been able to keep each other from falling for the wrong man?”

“You guys are missing the point. Girl, you have all the control,” Erin stresses.

“No, I believe tonight proved that I clearly don’t.”

“Oh, please. You hold all the power. You always have,” Erin says.

“How do you figure? He’s the one who left me.”

“When you were kids. You’re a woman now. Samson was a mighty warrior and an indestructible man until Delilah came along,” she explains.

“It’s been a while since I found my way to church, but wasn’t Delilah the villain of that Bible story?” Taeli asks.

“She was the lesson,” Erin answers.

“Yeah, the lesson that a man shouldn’t be ruled by lust,” I mutter.

“Or the beautiful, wily lesson that God needed her to be in the story to bring an arrogant man to his knees,” Erin presses.

“I’m not sure that’s supposed to be the takeaway,” Jena says.

“Again, she was the villain,” I repeat.

“Well, maybe it’s time you stopped being nice and started being a cunning villain and bring Garrett Tuttle to his knees. Just keep your head in the game. And if you start feeling any twinge of love, take that energy and turn it on him,” Erin instructs.

“How do you suggest I do that?” I ask.

“When you have him where you want him and he’s putty in your hands, take him by the balls and twist until they snap off.”

Taeli chokes out a laugh. “Jesus, Erin!”

She turns to Taeli. “What? He deserves the pain. She’s been hurting over him for years.”

“No, don’t do that. You’ll catch charges. I know,” Jena warns.

“Charges?” I gasp.

Jena nods.

“What kind of charges?”