Now that I really thought about it, he looked more like a super model. He had those really big muscles and deep eyes that melted me in a way no man had ever done before.

He was really hot.

I looked around the bus and saw some good-looking men in there, but none of them had the same commanding presence and masculinity that Marcus had. He was the epitome of manliness, all the way from the way he looked at me and the way he would flex before handing me papers to sign.

I couldn’t help but giggle when I realized I was slightly turned on by him. He really was handsome after all and he had the body of a football quarterback. When I shut my eyes I could already imagine just how built his muscles would look underneath his business attire. If he were to hold me I’d look like a petite little toy compared to his monstrous body. I’d be a tiny girl to his barbarian.

Around fifteen more minutes passed and I was finally back home in my snug little apartment. Not wanting to wait, I tossed my things to the side and picked up my phone. I dialed and in a few moments my mom picked up on the other end.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hi mom,” I greeted her. I couldn’t hold in the excitement any longer and said, “Guess what?”

“What?” even though I couldn’t see her I could picture her smiling and rolling her eyes.

I kept the phone on and walked over to the couch. I snuggled up to a pillow and continued on, “I met this really handsome banker and he promised he’d help me get a business loan. I was like on the edge of giving up and everything but then I saw his office and decided to just go in. You know, like what the heck was I going to lose by trying?”

My mom got ecstatic about the news, “Really? Oh my, that’s so good! So, tell me all about this banker guy. How hot is he, sweetcake?”

I rolled my eyes and giggled, “Mom! I got a chance of opening my dream business and all you got out all of that was the bit about a hot guy?”

“What can I say? I’m just so happy that my lovely daughter finally meets a steamy hot hunk.”

I laughed. My mom was never one to shy away from a good-looking man. Maybe it kept her happy and that was why she still looked so young. She was gorgeous for a woman her age.

“Well, he’s around forty or something, has blonde hair and blue eyes,” I described Marcus to her. “He’s also really big and muscular. I don’t know, he’s got this look like a football player or a lumberjack, you know? Not really that of a banker or pencil-pusher.”

She shrieked at that, “Oh my, God! Honey, you shouldn’t just be settling a loan with him – you ought to be dropping your panties and dating him!”

“Mom!” I felt a little embarrassed about my mom talking to me that way but deep inside I did feel like she was right. I did indeed find Marcus really attractive.

“Okay, he is hot but I can’t just flirt with my banker like that.”

Of course, my mom didn’t see things that way.

She simply told me, “Why not? You’re young and beautiful. You can flirt with anyone you like, sweetie.”

I hummed in amusement and just told her, “Well, I got to prepare some documents and stuff, mom. I’ll call you back when I get an update from the banker, okay? It won’t take long. I might get to go back to his office tomorrow afternoon or the day after.”

“What else do you need to prepare?” she asked.

“Well, if he gets some people I can borrow money from, I need to present my business proposal and show them how and when I can pay them back,” I explained. “I need to read up on how to do all that.”

Fortunately my mom understood I was busy and how excited I was. She ended the call and agreed to wait for my update in the next few days.

Beaming with excitement, I headed to the room where I turned on my laptop and got to work.



“Come on, when have I ever failed you?” I asked the person on the phone.

“Mr. Phoenix, we at Valiant Marketing Incorporated appreciate all of the help you’ve done for us,” answered the lady on the other end. “I just can’t see this working for us. You’ve got a promising prospect here but the girl has no business experience or training.”

I clenched my hand into a fist and tried to reason out, “Come on, Claire, you’re missing the point. She’s a talented tattoo artist and the market is prime for her to take.”

She didn’t let go of her stand on the matter and said, “I’m sorry, but we can’t take that risk. Thank you, Mr. Phoenix. Good luck.”