Life had definitely changed for the better. I secured the job at Doctor Holland’s new medical center and began dating Preston – officially dating him, I must say. I was no longer just his whore, a girl he paid for sex and time. I was his official girlfriend now and boy did we make sure everyone knew about it. All his friends and my friends alike got to learn of our love story – of course, with all of the naughty, kinky details kept in the dark.

I told my father first but I didn’t tell him how we met. All I said was that Mikaela and Preston’s friend, Thomas, got me and Preston together. Preston even managed to come by and meet my father and he was the one who offered to pay the rest of my dad’s mortgage. My dad didn’t accept at first but after talking to Preston for a few weeks, he ended up liking and trusting my boyfriend and eventually let Preston handle our debts.

Of course, not all my time was spent at work. I spent a lot of my free time with Preston and soon enough I even moved into his penthouse suite. I moved out of my old apartment and sold whatever we didn’t need. A lot of other stuff I gave to my friends for free.

I also pushed Preston to connect again with his family. It took a lot of digging but we eventually found the whereabouts of his siblings and his parents. We mostly spent the time emailing them back and forth and eventually video-calling to reconnect and catch up for all the years they lost together.

Preston also got to introduce me to a lot of his friends. Needless to say it was a big surprise to learn that he was friend with the owner of Mercury Wild, one of the most successful bar and restaurants in the entire city. I also got to know the likes of Marcus, Dylan, Damon and Daxter – or as I like to call them, the Triple D. All of them were nice and sweet to me.

However, one morning when I went to work, my boss told me I could have the weekend off. It was an odd thing given how I was usually the one with a large workload during Saturdays and Sundays.

“Huh?” I just looked at Doctor Holland with confusion. “Who’s going to take my responsibilities for today and tomorrow then? What did I do to deserve a weekend off?”

He simply smiled at me and said, “Oh, don’t worry about work. I’ll have your duties split between Jonathan and Mae. I would bring in Janine since she’s your executive assistant and she knows the job well but I also gave her a few days of leave.”

“O-okay sir,” I stuttered, unsure of what to say. “I’ll just go back in then and check the nursing station and the emergency room to make sure everything’s in shape. If there’s no big emergency then I’ll head home. Thank you, sir!”

Doctor Holland oddly just smiled and waved goodbye at me as I walked out of his office.

As soon as I did, however, Mikaela came running to me with a look of concern on her face. “Hey, we’ve got an emergency right now! It’s Preston!”

My heart suddenly sank. “What? What do you mean, it’s Preston?”

“He’s in the emergency room, right now,” she explained as she yanked me by the hand. “We have to go there now. He’s in critical condition!”

Everything I had planned for the day vanished into thin air as I followed Mikaela and rushed to the emergency room. There were multiple beds laid out but only two of them had patients. The resident doctor and nurses in the emergency room were slacking off, having a slow and easy day.

“Ms. Bishop,” Doctor Melissa Carmen said as soon as she saw me come in. “We need you to attend to the patient in the emergency operating room. We’re still waiting for the cardiologist to come in and operate on him.”

Operate? What happened to Preston?

I pushed passed everyone and rushed into the operating room… to find Preston seated on the bed, perfectly well and healthy. His friends were around him and so were mine. My father was there too! Why were they all here? Not only that but the whole room was decorated with flowers – roses and carnations mostly, which were my favorites – and Preston was wearing a patient’s robe.

As I stood there, awestruck and confused, Mikaela and Doctor Holland came in and with them were the emergency room staff.

“W-what’s going on?” I asked. I looked at Preston, “What’s all of this?”

Preston chuckled and slid his hand underneath his pillow. When he took it back out he was holding a shiny ring with a big diamond in the center. “I wanted to take things back to that special moment when I first met you. I wanted to remind us all of where it all began. You and I first crossed paths in a hospital room and back then I only suffered from a sprained wrist. Today, I’m suffering from an aching heart that only you can mend.”

“You’re being corny,” I told him and laughed. I was blushing from cheek to cheek, seeing as everyone was here with us. “You better make this speech good, babe.”

He laughed and we all laughed with him. Preston then beckoned me to come closer and he held my hand when I did. “Lyla Bishop, you changed everything in my life. I thought I would be one of those wealthy loners who rely on money to get whatever pleasure I can imagine but you taught me the real meaning of love. You proved I didn’t have to be alone for the rest of my life. I want to spend my life with you… Lyla, will you marry me?”

“Oh my god, yes!” I quickly answered and everyone cheered. “I thought you’d never ask!”

He pulled me in and gave me a long, passionate kiss and everyone around us cheered. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Our wedding took place about a month after he proposed. It took a lot of work since we had to get a certificate, go through all the wedding counseling and other legal requirements. We had a big church wedding and celebrated at a vacation home he and his friends co-owned. Over a hundred people came and to our surprise, Preston even invited his siblings to come over. It was not just a wedding but a reunion and it brought us both to tears.

Every wedding must be followed by a grand honeymoon and Preston spared no expense. He scheduled for a two-month trip across Europe and another week cruising the Caribbean. I thought it was all a little too much but he insisted we have fun because when we’d be back it’d be back to work. He had two new companies to acquire and grow and I became even busier now that I had more administrative responsibilities in the medical center.

Life turned out great. I was married to the man I loved and it was just a bonus that he was good-looking, a sexual beast and a hard-working billionaire too. Now that I think about it, maybe it was fate that we met that day in the hospital. Maybe it was fate that when I got so desperate to sell myself at an auction he was there too. I’d gladly sell my pussy to him again and again and again as long as our love story could go on.

I finally got to spend more time with Jasmine too, Trevor Wild’s wife. She was responsible for Trevor’s success and in many ways responsible too for Preston’s decision to marry me. Preston told me that when he saw Trevor and Jasmine together, he wanted something similar, something that money cannot buy. He found that in me and I found it in him.

That is our love story.

The End