“In the living room?” she asked me.

“Screw etiquette and all that fancy stuff,” I said. I then pointed out that I was just wearing a pair of jogging pants and no shirt. It was time to just sit back and relax. “Come on, let’s just eat and talk or pop in a movie.”

She laughed and agreed. I loved it when she giggled that way. Her smile was just so radiant that it made me smile too. To make things better I really liked what she had on today. Lyla wasn’t trying to be overtly seductive but her short flowery dress was enough to get me hard and excited.

“A boner in the morning,” she commented when she noticed my erection. “Maybe I should have that for breakfast.”

I laughed and gave her a kiss. I took a piece of pancake and fed her.

“Do you live here all by yourself?” she then asked me. “Like, you really don’t have anyone else? No brother or something to visit you here? It can’t be all just slutty girls.”

Almost instantly my mood shifted. I could feel a void in my heart grow in size as I stared down and shook my head. “No, I… I used to have a family. I’m actually the oldest of four kids but life was really hard. My parents… the less I say about them the better. That being said, I ran away when I was almost fourteen and I never looked back.”

“What?” She must have been surprised to hear this. If I didn’t inherit my money from my parents then it meant all this came from my own hands, from my hard work. “Don’t you go see them now and then?”

Again, I shook my head. “Not once.”

“Don’t you miss them?” she continued to press on. She put a hand on my chest, endearing and warming.

“I think about them every day,” I answered. “Not a day goes by where I don’t ever miss them.”

Lyla’s face twisted in sadness and I could see she was heartbroken. “I’m sorry to hear this,” she told me. “I can’t even imagine how hard it would be if I were estranged to my dad. I love him a lot.”

That warmed my heart. I looked at her and the way she stared back at me. For the first time in my life I felt genuine affection from a woman. She actually cared about me. It was just really sad that if I didn’t have any money she might never even pay any attention to me. The moment I stop paying her she might stop coming over. Not only would I lose the great sex I have with her, but I might lose her entirely.



The weeks passed quickly. All I could think of were the job I applied for and Preston. I had visited him more frequently and every time I did, he snuck in a check for a few thousand dollars into my purse. It was sweet but I didn’t really need the cash. To be completely honest, I didn’t even want the money. I just wanted him.

Tonight, however, I wanted to just relax and have fun with my friends. I hadn’t seen Karen, Mikaela and Jennifer in a while. They wanted to hang out at a new club and I figured I owed a fun night out.

We were at a nice, round table with high stools close to the dance floor when Mikaela brought up the billionaire’s auction.

“So, I heard you went,” she said out loud, a little too loud for my comfort. “Who bought your virginity?”

I blushed but I was fortunate enough to have friends who didn’t judge me. Karen just laughed and Jen seemed genuinely intrigued about the whole deal. It wasn’t until much later that I learned she too sold her virginity at a similar auction event for her twenty-first birthday.

“Well, tell us all the juicy details,” Karen said before she gulped down on her beer.

I bit down on my lip and looked at them one-by-one, anticipating how they would react. “Okay,” I relented. “I did go. First off, they bought me for fifteen thousand dollars.”

All three of my friends looked at me with their jaws dropped and their eyes wide open in shock.

“Holy shit, that’s a lot of money,” Jen said. She shook her head in disbelief. “I figured girls at the auction earned only up to ten thousand or so.”

“That’s not all though,” I teased them further. “Guess who won the bidding? Guess who paid the most to get a taste of my pussy.”

My friends laughed. They’d all heard me talk dirty before but back then it was innocent fun. I was a virgin back then. This time, however, I actually meant what I said.

“If you mean Richard Blaine, I’ll lose my freaking mind,” Karen said. “Richard’s been my dream boy for years but he’d never buy me at an auction like that. He only likes redheads and I’m as blonde as they come.”

I giggled and shook my head, “Nope. Actually, my buyer was Preston Maxwell.”

Everyone cheered and as they started babbling off about how it was fate that I met him in that hospital room months ago, I noticed my phone buzzed. Someone had texted me. I took my phone and opened the message, only to see it was Preston and he was asking if we could meet tonight.

“Speak of the devil,” I whispered. I quickly replied, “I can’t tonight. I’m out with some friends at the Riverside Club. I can go visit you though when we’re done here.”