“Well, that would save me the trouble of contacting another consulting firm.”

I gave him my phone number, in case they needed to call me for anything and then hung up with the understanding they would text me to let me know what time the consultant would be there. I was glad that I had made the call and was one step closer to getting my business in better conditions. I was desperate and this most likely would be my last resort.



I was tapping away at my computer, pretending to be busy, when my office phone started ringing. I glanced at it, to find Roger’s number on the screen. I sighed, wondering what it was he wanted this time, then answered. “Hello?”

“Will you please come into my office?” he asked.

I knew he would either want coffee or maybe he wanted me to run home and start cooking his evening meal, but either way it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I just had a feeling. I walked slowly to the office, almost as if I was going to the guillotine, then peeked my head in his door.

“What may I help you with? You want your shoes waxed? Or maybe the floor?” I put on a smile and he just chuckled. He understood my sarcasm, at least that was a plus, so he wouldn’t fire me on the spot.

“Neither of those. Although, my shoes could use a waxing,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes very discreetly, so he wouldn’t see.

“Okay, then what do I have the pleasure of doing?”

He reached for a piece of paper, then handed it to me. I looked at it and in bold print was the name, Trevor Wild, following by the name, Mercury Wild, and then a phone number. I knew the name obviously and I knew the place, but I was still confused.

“What is this?” I asked.

“It’s your first job,” he said.

My jaw dropped. I’m surprised that I could lift it back up without help. “Um…my first job?” I asked. “You mean…a consulting job?”

Roger nodded. “Unless you don’t want it. Unfortunately, there is no one else, as everyone else is booked with clients, but I’m sure Mr. Wild will understand.”

I looked at the information again. I was really torn, because on one hand, I was finally getting my big break, but on the other hand, it wouldn’t be easy to work with the guy that seemed to catch my breath every time I looked at him.

“No! I’ll do it,” I quickly stated.

Roger smiled. “I thought you would. He’s expecting a text with a time to meet up with him tomorrow. I’ll leave that up to you. You will still be expected to come into work each day and make sure nothing else is happening, but I know that this will require lots of work. I have the utmost faith that you can do it.”

I nodded, heaving a sigh.

This was finally it. I was going to be given my big chance. I just couldn’t believe my luck was that my big chance was with Trevor Wild, Billionaire and Entrepreneur of Mercury Wild. I wondered what kind of assistance he needed, because by the outsider’s perspective, they were fine. I thanked Roger and headed back to my desk, with Trevor’s number in my hand.

I fished my cell phone out of my desk drawer, already anxious to get started. I put his number in my contact list, then sent him a text message.

Jasmine: Hello, my name is Jasmine Washington and I received your name from my boss. I would be happy to help you out in whatever time would work best for you. We can meet tomorrow. Please advise me of your availability.

That seemed professional enough. If I was being honest, I was a little nervous about my first job. I wanted it to go perfect, but it was really all new territory for me. Trevor’s response was quick to arrive.

Trevor Wild: Hello, Jasmine. Thank you so much for getting with me. I look forward to meeting you and getting this started. I will be at the club starting at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Any time after that would work. Thanks again!

Jasmine: I can be there at two thirty. I will see you then. Thank you!

I slipped my phone back into my desk drawer and felt excited about my first job. I wouldn’t tell Trevor he was my first case, but I wanted him to be satisfied. Two thirty wouldn’t come soon enough.

I pulled my jeep into the parking lot of the club at five minutes until the meeting. I had a notebook and pen in hand and I wanted to look the part, so I had dressed in pencil straight skirt and a white blouse, with a jacket that was buttoned over it. I could hear the clicking of my heels on the pavement, as I nervously approached the club.

The parking lot had a few cars, but it was still early, so I didn’t question where all the activity was. I opened up the door and was greeted with

just a hostess standing there, as opposed to the two employees that opened the doors on Saturday night.