He got to my door and gave me a pleading look. I rolled down my window and glared at him. “How long?” I simply asked.

His face was a sheet of white. “A couple months,” he responded.

That didn’t really give me the response I wanted to hear. I wanted to know if she was the only one he was sleeping with and how many times. “Is this because I wouldn’t sleep with you?” I asked. My lower lip trembled and I fought hard to be strong. He didn’t come out and respond. He just shrugged.

“You knew I was a virgin,” I countered. “You told me you respected that. Were you just lying to me?” I asked.

He looked uncomfortable and I was glad about that. I didn’t want this to be easy on him. “I wasn’t lying, but come on…sometimes a man can only take so much.”

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe he was defending himself.

“Okay!” I said, looking away from him. “I hope you two are very happy together.” I put my foot on the break and put my car into drive, then started to drive away, but he reached in my window and grabbed my arm, causing me to slam on my breaks and glare at him. “Let me just go!”

“Jasmine, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you hurt. That’s the last thing I wanted.”

He looked sincere. He sounded sincere. But I knew Josh for too long and he wasn’t fully sorry this had happened. In a way, he was blaming me and I couldn’t stick around and try to convince myself to stay and move past it. Our relationship had technically been over for months and I was just holding on. No more. I was ready to make a break of it and Josh was not going to change my mind.



One Month Later

The bar was all abuzz on Saturday night, as I wiped another table down, then quickly moved back to the bar and tossed the rag into a bucket. “What can I get you?” I asked, looking at the redhead that just took a stool.

She grinned. “What can I get you, honey?” she asked, winking at me.

I drew up my eyebrows and then lowered them, then chuckled, but didn’t respond to her question. She wanted a rise out of me and I was too busy to make it work. I continued to look at her, with her grazing her tongue over her lower lip, and me thinking how that would normally do it. However, I owned this club and there was work to do.

When I didn’t break, she laughed. “Okay! I’ll take a Fuzzy Navel.”

I nodded. “Coming right up, little lady.” She watched my every move, as I worked quickly around the bar to get her drink prepared.

As the owner of the place, I wasn’t typically the one to do the dirty work behind the bar, but the place was jumping, and my usual Saturday night bartender had called in sick. That left me, until I could find a replacement for the night. Luckily, Brayton was on his way, but there were still people to serve until he got there.

I handed the Fuzzy Navel to her and she winked at me, then quietly said thanks and handed me the money. I nodded and went on to the next couple of customers. That was how the night was going, from customer to customer, up and down the bar, then pocketing the money into the cash register.

A few more women attempted to flirt, but I kept everything professional, barely giving them the time of day and they seemed to notice right off. When Brayton finally got there, I couldn’t breathe a sigh of relief fast enough. I tossed him the towel and he gave me a look that said he hated the fact that he had to come into work on his night off. I knew he did, but he needed to suck it up, because it was no way for the bar to be run.

I went into the back room of the bar and sunk down into the chair behind my desk, heaving a sigh as I turned to my computer. My office was small to say the least, but it did the job and provided me everything that I needed to get my work done.

I pulled up my computer screen and went to my emails, then started to read through them, tossing out every email that was basic spam or nonsense jargon. I was finishing up my list of twenty new emails, when I spotted Sam at the door. He was another employee that worked more

on the front-lines, out in the open.

“Hey! What’s up?” I asked, looking up, as Sam walked into my office.

“We’re almost out of beer,” he said. His words came out in a rush and I was sure I had heard him incorrectly, even laughing as the words sunk in.

“What? Impossible,” I said.

Sam shrugged. “I looked at least five times and unless it was placed somewhere incorrectly, it’s not back here.”

I looked down and shuffled through some order forms, then pulled out the one I was looking for. “I just ordered beer the other day. There’s no way we’re out,” I said, still arguing.

Sam didn’t look pleased that I didn’t believe him, but the fact remained that I was looking at an order form as we spoke. If the beer had arrived, then we should have plenty. I got up from my chair and walked out of my office and over to the walk-in refrigerator that housed the supply of liquor we had on hand. I opened it up and we stepped inside.

I walked directly to where the beer would be located and found empty shelves. I then looked around to the shelves that were near it and also found that those were full, but beer wasn’t on them.