“So why the sudden change in course?” I had to keep pressing. This was my only chance to get to peel off his protective layer.

“I wasn’t born rich,” he then explained. That revelation came as a bit of a shock. He then continued on, “My dad was a football coach and my mother worked at a diner. They were real simple folk, you know? I always thought I’d grow up and have a simple life like them too. But then my sister kept on getting in trouble.”

I raised an eyebrow in question, “You have a sister?”

“Oh yeah, but we never talk nowadays,” he answered. “She was always getting into trouble with boys, drugs and the like. In the end I had to drop my dreams of being a model and actor so I could help her out. I studied accountancy and management because mathematics was the only other field I was good at.”

“So you became a banker to save your sister?”

His gaze strayed from the horizon and he looked at me, “That’s right. I ended up having to work as her financial advisor and that hooked me up with more clients until I eventually got linked to some of the big players and corporate leaders. That’s how I made my wealth.”

“I want to earn a lot of money like you,” I then told him. My thoughts trailed for a moment and I thought of my mom. “My father was an asshole but my mom… you’ll like her, she’s really sweet. I just want to give her a good life, you know?”

“If this business turns out successful then you’ll make that dream come true,” he then told me. Marcus then got up on his feet and offered his hand to help me back up. “Come on, it’s time to take you home.”

I smiled, happy to have had this chance to just sit and talk, and grabbed his hand.



I finally drove her home. It was a little sad to see her go. There was always the possibility that she’d take the money and never talk to me again. We still had over thirty days for our BDSM contract but she already got what she wanted and I did too – I was just lenient enough to let her go early.

After I dropped her off, I spent the rest of the evening at Mercury Wild. No one was there except for Trevor and Jasmine but they were too busy organizing a new event to promote Daxter and Noelle’s newest fashion line.

To keep myself busy, I ordered a few drinks and flirted around with a couple of random girls I met dancing to the music. None of the three girls I hung out with could compare to Natasha. None of them were as young, as hot or as submissive as she was. None of them had her intelligence either.

By two in the morning I was drunk and uncertain of what to do next. I ditched the girls when they went into the bathroom and drove away as quickly as I could. They wouldn’t miss me anyway. There was also some other rich guy for them to leech onto.

As soon as I got away from the bar, I took a moment to rest by a pancake diner. I was still a little too drunk to be driving anyway so I took the time to rest and sober up a bit. I did order some blueberry waffles and coffee just so I could stay a while longer.

While I sat there in my car, in the parking lot, my thoughts trailed and I quickly thought of Natasha. The image of her succulent, young and delicious body got me hard so quickly it was a struggle to not masturbate in my seat, especially when I thought of her soft, pink lips and how her pussy would moisten whenever she’d catch sight of my cock.

Yet the longer I thought of her the more I realized I missed her.

I missed the spunk in her voice and the way she would defiantly speak back every now and then. I missed how she’d look at me with those big puppy eyes before I’d whip her and fuck her senseless. I missed the sound of her voice when she’d moan in pleasure and beg for me to keep pounding into her pussy.

I couldn’t say I loved her – no, we were too far gone from that – but I did feel attached to her. Whether it was because she was truly the ideal slave or because she was just so unique and pleasing to be with, I could never tell.

“Damn it,” I whispered to myself as I slammed a fist on the steering wheel. I pushed her too hard and too soon. I had thirty-nine days to slowly train her and get her addicted to this lifestyle. I had thirty-nine fucking days and I rushed through it in a week.

I got impatient. I got too excited.

Furious and a little disappointed with myself, I hopped out of the car and crossed the street. There was a small motel with a coffee shop. As drunk as I was I knew I couldn’t drive home. I had to settle for a room and just sleep the alcohol out of my system.

I didn’t bother taking a shower or wasting my time watching a movie. I just plopped down on the bed and shut my eyes. It didn’t take long for me to drift off to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning I heard my phone buzzing. I groggily reached for it and to my surprise I found a text message from Natasha. That really woke me up and I quickly sat up to read what she had to say.

“Daddy, I got the money,” her message read. “I’m already scouting for a place to launch my business. Thank you so much. Will you pick me up later? I have something to say but I want to say it in person.”

For a long while I just stared at my phone, reading the words over and over again. She did say she wanted to meet up with me again, right? I had to really digest her message and it occurred to me that I had to be careful with this. Her message was a double-edged sword.

Natasha did not specify if she wanted to continue on with our BDSM contract. She did not specifically ask if we had another session planned. She didn’t flirt with me in the message and did not imply if we were going to have sex again.

However, she also didn’t say that this was farewell. There was really no indication on her intentions except for the fact that she had something important to say.

That was enough motivation for me to get going.