She patted me on the leg, took my drink and sipped. “Wow,” she exclaimed. “Whew, this is kind of strong. Jesus, I could get knocked out with a few of these bad boys. Speaking of bad boys… you’re marrying Daxter? What the heck happened? Did he propose after giving the best one night stand in the whole fucking world?”

I laughed and bit my lip knowing that in some twisted way she did get the story right. “Okay, remember how I went on a random date with Daxter after I learned his brother died?”

She nodded, “Yeah and I told you he was using his grief to get into your pants.”

“Well, it turns out life is so complicated but so simple at the same time,” I tried to segue into the nitty-gritty details. “He wants to prove to his parents he deserves inheriting their wealth and the first step to do that was to show he could handle a serious relationship. So he proposed I marry him, regardless of how we feel towards each other. If it convinces his parents then I get unlimited access to his riches and if it fails and we divorce he still gives me a million dollars.”

Hannah’s jaw had dropped to the floor in disbelief. “No fucking way.”

“Yep,” I said as I grabbed my drink back and finished it with a single take. “It’s a fake marriage just for show. I mean, it’s real legally but ugh, you know what I mean, right?”

She nodded and said, “So you’re just getting married for the mutual benefits. You get rich and he gets richer. Okay, that’s all fine and dandy but that still doesn’t address the biggest and the most important question I have.”

“Which is?”

“Did you guys fuck yet?” Hannah asked with a big grin on her face.

I giggled and bit my lip as I nodded.

“Oh you dirty little slut,” she teased me and pinched my arm. “I knew it. You wouldn’t keep going with such a crazy plan like this if you didn’t have sex yet. You finally lost your virginity. How was it? You owe me so many freaking details it’s not even funny.”

“Okay, I will,” I relented. “But on the condition you help me pick a damn wedding dress. I don’t know where to start. Oh, and we need to tell the boss at the club that I’m fucking done with dancing with my clothes off.”



The wedding was over before I even realized it was happening. I thought the day I’d get married it would be in a big cathedral with doves, thousands of guests and all sorts of flowers and media coverage. Instead, it was just me, Noelle, her friend Hannah, my sister and my parents. It was a small event and Mayor Khatib ran the whole thing himself too. We were done in less than two hours.

It was a shame too because Noelle was wearing such a beautiful dress. It wasn’t one of those big white wedding gowns normally worn. Instead, it was a really fitting black mermaid dress with an open top that fully revealed her shoulders and cleavage. The black color was just even more seductive to the eye and she wore it with such confidence too. It was like she was a black sorceress of the night and now she was mine.

However, marrying her was only the first step.

As soon as we got back home to my condo unit, I tossed my shoes to the corner, sat down on the bed and then pulled Noelle over to sit on my lap. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then said, “Well, wife, this is it. We’re officially husband and wife now.”

“True, but we still need to file the paper work,” she reminded me. “Then there’s the fact your family is going to meet us tonight and that’s the real show.”

I was trying to get that out of my head but now that she brought it up I had to address it, “I’ve talked to everyone I could get hooked up with. I got three fashion designers, a marketing analyst and two business researchers who can help us manage this whole thing.”

“Hannah introduced me to a few IT guys who can help us build a website and then work on the search engine optimization thingy to make sure we pop up on Google and social media sites,” Noelle explained. “We are going for semi-formal clothing that is still applicable for casual parties and the like

so I also talked to a fashion critic who has a really popular blog to look into our stuff once we start launching previews.”

A strong sense of pride and accomplishment swelled in my heart when I heard her say these things. It was like my life was on the verge of collapsing in on itself when my brother died but now we were celebrating a wedding and a new business.

“Care for some coffee?” I asked her. We still had some time to kill before we had to move out for other important plans.

She nodded, “That’s sweet of you to ask. I’ll have mine black with two teaspoons of sugar, please.”

I grinned and let her off my lap. I watched as she got up and just stripped right in front of me. She headed to the drawer and pulled out one of my big shirts. Without a bra or panty on I found it incredibly adorable to see her wearing just my shirt on top.

“What?” she asked as soon as she noticed me staring.

I blushed and shook my head, “O-oh, it’s nothing. Let me make that coffee for you.”

Noelle got on our bed as I changed into a pair of shorts and headed to our small coffee brewer. I could hear her humming as I made two cups of coffee. As I poured in the hot water over the granules of coffee and sugar, my mind began to trail a little. I just thought how difficult it would be if we ever had to go our separate ways.

“H-hey,” I called as I handed a cup to her. “Careful, it’s hot. Uhm, by the way, I do have a question to ask.”