For the longest time, my mind swirled into an abyss of ecstasy, one where nothing else existed but the wave of pleasure that flowed through every inch of my body and soul. I didn’t even realize that we had shifted positions multiple times throughout the night. He had me on my side, he took me from behind with his hands on my waist and pounding me like a raving animal, he took me with my legs raised and with them shut tight.

All I knew was that by the end of the night I had exploded and my orgasm drove me over the edge of sanity. I couldn’t tell if I was silent, moaning or outright screaming in utter euphoria but the moment was glorious and I lay there on the bed, with my mouth wide open, when Daxter spilled his hot cum all over my face.

When he had emptied he gave my face a soft pat and then he pulled me up to rest in the middle of the bed. It was a sweet gesture and even sweeter with the fact he took the time to walk to the bathroom, get a towel and wipe me down.

Daxter then slid back to bed, wrapped me with his arms and then embraced me closely until we both fell asleep.



When morning came, I found Noelle already awake. She was seated against the bed’s headboard had nothing but the blanket on. In her hand she had a mug of coffee and in the other the remote control for the large television in my room. It was mounted on the wall and when I took a glimpse I saw she was watching some show about Thailand street food.

“Hmm, good morning you,” I greeted as I shook of my grogginess and got up to sit beside her.

Noelle turned to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. It tasted so sweet I was tempted to kiss her back again and again until I could have another round with her. I withheld from that thought, however, and simply slid an arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze.

“We should go to Thailand sometime,” she told me, her eyes focused forward. “Then we can go to Vietnam, the Philippines and maybe Cambodia.”

Did I go to sleep and wake up with the same woman in my bed? I looked at her and figured she looked the same, she sounded the same and she damn right tasted the same but gone was the nervous and shy girl who wasn’t so sure about this whole fake marriage deal.

“S-sure,” I said, a little wary of what to say. “Did you just make that cup of coffee?”

Noelle looked at me and giggled, “Huh? Oh, yeah I used your coffee machine. I was going to make you one too but I didn’t know how you liked your coffee or when you’d wake up. Sorry about that.”

I shook my head and smiled, “No, really, it’s fine. How are you feeling?”

She leaned back and rested her head on me. I hugged her close and she said, “I’m feeling really good. I feel so good it’s like I’ve been reborn.”

“Was I that good last night?” I asked with a naughty tone. I reached up and fondled her tits. She didn’t even try to push my hand away and instead just giggled.

“I’ll admit that last night was a hundred times better than what I thought sex would be like,” she explained. “I always feared it would be painful and humiliating but you made it into something so much more… poetic.”

Although I’ve fucked a dozen girls and more I’ve never heard someone tell me that our love-making was that damn good. “I don’t know what I did right. I was just so overcome with lust all I could think about was to fuck you like there was no tomorrow.”

Noelle giggled at that and reached down to grab my cock. The touch of her small fingers on my meat sent chills up my spine and almost immediately I began to get an erection going. It was amazing to see how my dick could get so big that she couldn’t even wrap her fingers around it.

“Excited so early,” she told me. “I love it. I love this whole thing we have going.”

“Would you say you love me too?” I asked her. I was curious about what she had to say about that, knowing that the strength of our relationship would better sell the story we were telling the public.

Noelle began to slowly, ever so slowly, stroke my cock as she replied, “I can’t say I love you. We were good friends so many years ago but so much has changed. It’s like we’re just getting to know each other again. I can say that I do like you. I’m attracted to you and you made me feel so good last night too. Now that I had to get into a fake marriage I’m glad it’s with you.”

Honest but also still very sweet. That was the Noelle I knew.

“That’s all I need to hear to stay happy,” I told her. “I can’t say I love you either. To be fair though I can’t say I ever loved anyone. I was just too busy thinking about fucking one pussy and then chasing the next one.”

Noelle turned the volume of the TV down and then looked at me straight in the eye, “Can you handle being a one-woman kind of guy now that you’re forced to marry me? Even though we’re not really together, I don’t want to end up tasting some other girl’s pussy on your lips the next time I kiss you.”

That made me laugh and I nuzzled my nose against her nape as I said, “I know I can. I need to prove to my family I’m worthy of their money and I want to prove to you that I can be a loyal husband, even though our marriage was contractual to begin with.”

“If you don’t keep to your word you’ll owe a million dollars,” she reminded me.

Of course, I didn’t need to be reminded of that fact. If I failed this relationship and if I failed to impress my parents then I would literally lose everything. I’d need to get a regular job or maybe even have to ask Trevor to see if I could work at Mercury Wild. My sister would be disappointed and I’d have to pay this lovely young woman a million bucks.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make this work out,” I said with all the determination I could muster. “You know, speaking of making all this work, maybe we should turn last night’s business idea into a reality. It’ll show my parents we’re serious about this and we could honest-to-God earn some money from it too.”

She looked at me with a really big smile on her face. She gave my cock a sudden squeeze and asked, “Oh my God, are you serious? We can really do the whole fashion business thing?”