He didn’t reply afterwards but I didn’t want to think about it right

now. All I wanted to do was get drunk and dance the night away. Mikaela even congratulated me for taking that bold step and she promised not to say another word to my father about the ordeal. She even apologized for letting that detail slip when she saw him at the grocery store.

I didn’t mind and we all had a good time. By midnight I was already feeling a little wasted, more than usual in fact, and figured it was time I headed home. I could take a nap in my car for a bit until I was sober enough to drive.

However, just as I was preparing to leave, I saw Preston walk into the club and he waved at me, motioning for me to come out with him.

“Oh my God, he’s here,” Jen stated when she saw him waving at me.

I wanted to feel warm and fuzzy inside but oddly I felt nothing but frustration. I bid my friends good-bye and stormed out the club. Preston quickly followed me to the parking lot and walked right beside me as I made a beeline for my car.

“Hey,” he tried to call me.

I turned around and shoved my finger at his face, “Why are you here? Didn’t I already tell you I just wanted to hang out with my friends and then I’d come over?”

“You were ignoring my calls,” he told me. “You were ignoring me.”

I opened my purse and checked my phone. It turned out he did call me but I was too busy chatting with my friends to notice.

“I wasn’t ignoring you, Pres,” I reasoned with him. “I was just busy with my friends. Don’t read too much into it, okay? I was drunk – I still am drunk – and I was busy dancing around and that’s why I didn’t see your calls.”

“Is it money?” he suddenly asked me and that just made my heart sink. “Come on, come home with me right now. If you do, I’ll pay off the remaining debt your dad owes for his mortgage. I’ll buy you a damn house and a better car. Just name your price for one more night with me, please.”

For a moment, time just seemed to stop for me and all I could do was process everything he just said. He really thought I was sleeping with him just for the money.

“Preston Maxwell, you’re a fucking idiot!” I screamed at him, my wrath howling out of me like a caged animal gone free. “I’m not seeing you for the money anymore. I’m already way past that. I’m way fucking past that. Don’t you get it? I’d sleep with you even if you never gave me another cent! I’d sleep with you because I want to, because I want you!”

He remained silent and I knew I struck a chord. I didn’t stop though, “Look… just leave me alone tonight. I wanted to just spend time with my friends and you just had to come along and fuck it up.”

“There’s no way I’m just going to let you walk out of my life like this,” Preston argued.

“Really? Is it because you’ve already spent so much money on me? Am I going to become a wasted asset for you?” The words just spilled out of my mouth and I didn’t even know where I was going with my ranting. “Look, it was fun. I needed money and I sold my fucking virginity to you… but damn it, Preston, can’t you see I’m not seeing you anymore for the money? You can take it all back if you want.”

Preston just looked at me with hurt eyes and said, “I don’t understand what you’re saying. All I’ve known my whole life is that girls only come to me for the money and you did too. That’s why I keep giving you cash each time you come over to have sex with me.”

“I’m not your prostitute,” I pressed on. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I knew my makeup was totally ruined. “Maybe I was once but there’s something more now. I want something more than just money from you Preston. If you can’t figure that out, you’re a fucking moron, and I’ve wasted my goddamn time trying to let you know how I feel.”

I didn’t waste another second and, without looking back, got into my car and drove away.



I watched as Lyla left. I watched and stood in silence, in solitude and in regret.

“Fuck this,” I told myself. “If she doesn’t want to get paid and have all her problems solved then so be it. I can always get another girl.”

There was no point in hoping Lyla would call me or drive back. She was mad as fuck and I didn’t want to deal with that. I got into my car and drove straight for Mercury Wild. Unfortunately, most of my friends weren’t there but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t have fun.

The only person I noticed there was Trevor but that was expected; he owned the place, after all. However, I saw his girl Jasmine come out of the office and noticed how sweet they were together. She snuggled into his arms when he embraced her and they shared a sensual dance on the floor.

I wanted that but man, things got so fucked up so quickly.

I didn’t even have to work hard to get the attention I wanted. Just a few drinks in, a dance here and there, and soon enough I had a bombshell babe sitting on my lap licking my neck and moaning loudly into my ear whenever I’d slip my hand under her shirt and give her tits a squeeze.

“What’s your name?” I asked her before I leaned in forward to kiss her lips.

“Melody,” she told me and she reached down and grabbed my junk. “But you can call me whatever you want.”