“Never been in a rich man’s house before?” he asked when he noticed me staring like a bumbling idiot. “Trust me – others are a lot more narcissistic than this. I went to a friend’s house once and saw an entire wall filled with his trophies and photographs.”

I looked at him and frowned, “Oh and you’re not?”

He laughed and beckoned for me to follow him. I thought he was going to lead me straight into his room so we could get the dirty business down but no… he brought me to a dining room. The lights were dimmed and he had several candles lit to set the mood. On the table was a full course meal and he welcomed me to take a seat beside him.

“Come, have some wine,” he told me. “Try to relax. You’re always so tense.”

I took a seat and let him pour me a glass. I took a sip and almost immediately felt the warmth wash over me. It was oddly refreshing and soothing.

“Why did you lie to me?” Preston asked as I took another long drink. “You told me you didn’t have your wallet but we both know you did and then you lied about where you lived. Do you know I followed you that night?”

For a moment I thought I’d choke on my drink. I knew it! He did follow me that night!

“So that’s how they knew where to bring my car,” I realized. “Why did you pay for the repairs?”

“Answer my questions first and I’ll answer yours.”

I bit down on my lip, guilty as charged, and then looked at him and admitted, “I didn’t have money. I didn’t want you to pity me or anything like that. Especially you… you’re always so full of yourself and I’d really hit my head if I figured I owed everything to you.”

“Well you do now,” he reminded me. I guess in the long run he won.

“I…I do want to say thank you,” I mumbled softly, hardly believing the words that were coming out of my mouth. “My father and I are buried so deeply in debts right now and I lost my job at the hospital. I can’t seem to get a new one no matter where I go and now my dad’s getting evicted if he can’t pay his mortgage bills. Fuck! I don’t even know why I’m telling you this!”

Preston pulled out his wallet and took out a check and a pen. “How much did you get from the auction?”

“Half of what you paid,” I answered. I was starting to feel a little unsure and nervous with the way he was suddenly getting so financially rigid about the whole situation.

“So that means you got around seven thousand and a half? How much do you and your father need? Don’t round down; give me a number where you and your dad can be comfortable for a few months.”

I thought about it real quick and calculated as quickly as I could. I told him how much and to my surprise he wrote that down and then some on the check. He signed it and then presented it to me. All I could do was to stare at how much damn money it was and all it could to do fix my life.

“Here’s the deal,” he told me. “No bullshit, no strings attached and no dilly-dallying about this. Give me tonight and this check is yours. I won’t bug you after tonight. I won’t try to stalk you or romance you and convince you I’m the best boyfriend you could have. Just let me have you tonight and I promise all this is yours.”

Preston looked at me and as he did, time just seemed to come to a screeching halt. My mind kept repeating the words he said over and over. In my head all I could think about was how I was giving up my virginity to this man – this man whose ego blew up his head. However, tonight, he seemed a little different. His ego was still there and he was still a little bit of a jerk, but he was also more assertive, more authoritative and yet somehow also quite so sweet.

“Do it,” I finally gave my consent. Maybe I was starting to get drunk from the wine or maybe I was just getting so drawn into this mess that I couldn’t really step away from it anymore. It didn’t matter. I already said yes.

I expected a smile. I expected his face to light up like it was Christmas but instead he just looked at me with this strange, wicked grin and a fire burning in his eyes. Without words, he got up from his seat and took my hand, never taking his eyes off of me, and led me into his room.

The imagery that welcomed me was heart melting, to say the least. It didn’t look like the room of a playboy billionaire. There was no abundance of sex toys around and he didn’t have posters of nude women on the walls. No, it was more designed like that of a professional who kept his place clean and orderly.

None of that really pierced into my mind, however, as my thoughts focused solely on the moment. Preston had lifted me up with both arms and gently lay me down on his bed. It was the softest bed I had ever been on in my whole life.

I didn’t want him to do all the work and so I slowly began to undress, revealing my breasts and my belly first.

“Good girl,” he praised me as he began to help slide me off my clothes. He then took off his shirt and for the first time I had a better view of his body. He was ripped. I could see his abs were in perfect shape and he had a lean build

to him, hinting he may be doing more than just lifting weights. Had he been in the military before? Does he do martial arts?

I grinned when I realized my mind was getting so busy when I should be thinking of the reality of the situation. I was here, on his bed and in his suite, about to have sex with him.

He dimmed the lights, allowing me to only get a vague silhouette of him but the direction of the lights meant he had a full view of me.

“Let’s take this off,” he whispered gently as he began to remove my skirt and the thong I had underneath. As soon as he exposed my bare shaven pussy, I squirmed a bit and shied away, covering my pussy with a hand.

“I… I don’t know how to do this,” I admitted. “I haven’t the slightest clue.”

“You can begin by letting go,” he told me as he took my hand, gripped it gently but tightly, and removed it. He then cupped my pussy and slowly, ever so slowly, began to slide in between my lips. Unintentionally I let out a soft cry and a moan. The sound of my voice only seemed to turn him on even more. “Trust me, Lyla. Let me take care of you tonight.”