“I had a good time tonight,” I said.

He laughed. “A good time working?”

I shrugged. “It sometimes doesn’t feel like work. I know that probably sounds crazy.”

He assured me that it didn’t sound too crazy and then we walked out to the door of the alley. I turned back around to thank him again, when I noticed that his eyes dropped down to my lips.

“Goodbye!” I said. I backed up, but before I could leave, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

The shock of his lips on mine, caused me to drop my purse. I was caught by surprise, but I didn’t want the kiss to end. I wrapped my arms around him and snaked my fingers through the back of his head, running them tenderly through his hair.

A soft moan escaped as his tongue pressed in between my lips and we stood in his backroom, making out and neither one pulling away. He lifted his hand up my back, slipping it underneath my sweater and holding onto my bare back. I moved in closer to him, colliding my tongue against his and moaning with every turn.

His hand moved up higher, this time touching the clasp of my bra and my shirt rose up higher, and in an instant, I knew where this could go. I could let all my defenses down and have sex with him, something that I had been craving for, but then that would mean that years of holding onto my virginity would be gone. I wanted to lose it to the man I loved, the man that loved me. I couldn’t be certain if I was just another woman Trevor wanted to bang, or if he felt something.

So pushing him away was where my heart led me in that moment. I put my hand to his chest and slowly ended the perfect kiss, the one thing that felt right for so long. He looked at me; there was obvious lust in his expression. He opened his mouth to say something, but I backed up. His hand fell from behind me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. I grabbed onto the doorknob and turned away from him, flinging the door open and nearly running from any unanswered questions he had. I ended it and tha

t was all that we needed to know. Tonight was not the night I was going to lose my virginity and I needed to accept that, because I was the one to pull away.



I didn’t know what went wrong. One minute we were kissing and I thought for sure she wanted to move it to the next level and the next…she was gone. I went home, wondering what I did wrong and questioning everything. I even wondered if she would be at the club the next day.

The next day she did show up at the club, but it was awkward. We barely made eye contact and the only words we spoke was in greeting. So, I really didn’t know what I could say to her that she would want to hear. So, I just let her be.

We got the bar ready for the upcoming Saturday night, where hopefully I would greet the most guests I had had in many years. While she stayed out in the bar, hanging poster boards, I spent much of my time in my office, just making calls.

I called up each of my friends, making them aware that this was all going down on Saturday, asking them to tell friends and shout it from the rooftops if they needed and was confirmed that they would all do their best.

I went through my list of contacts and made a few more calls, before closing off the list. I looked towards the office door, when I spotted Jasmine.

“So, all the signs are hung. I’m going to go and try to get some of these fliers out there.” She barely looked at me; I couldn’t just make up that uneasiness between us.

“Okay. Great! Thank you so much for your help!”

She nodded. “No problem.”

She left the office and instead of forcing her to talk to me, I let her go. The next day, she showed up again and this time, she brought news.

“I handed out the fliers and everyone really seemed interested about the event on Saturday. This could really be much bigger than we thought.”

“That’s awesome!” I said. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She blushed and shrugged. “Just doing my job!” She pushed several strands of her hair behind her ear and I once again got that urge to go to her, but I held back.

“There’s something else I wanted to tell you,” she said. “Well, a couple things actually.”

“Okay. Go ahead!”

“I think that once things are back on an even keel, you really should hire a bookkeeper to do all your financing.” She shrugged. “I just wouldn’t want you to get back into the same predicament.”

She had a valid point there.

“Truer words were never spoken. I’ll definitely take that into consideration,” I said. “And what else?”