He was right about it taking a few minutes. He was back out there and he was carrying two plates and they were covered. He placed one down in front of me, then sat across from me. “Bon Appetit,” he said.

I lifted the cover off and then started laughing. His gourmet dish was grilled cheese sandwiches. I looked up at him and I chuckled. “A man after my own heart.”

He laughed. “I hope you enjoy!”

I looked at the sandwich and grabbed one side of it, then took a bite. I pondered on it and then nodded. “Hmm…not bad!”

His jaw dropped. “Not bad?”

I laughed, because I could tell he appeared a little hurt. “It’s been a while since I had this delicacy and I have to admit that this might be the best darn grilled cheese sandwich I’ve ever tasted.”

He nodded. “That’s a better review.”

We laughed as we went on to drinking our beers and enjoying the sandwiches, also falling into a little bit of conversation. The conversation we hadn’t had ever. I was getting to know the real Trevor Wild and it felt good.

When we finished eating, we got started making fliers and bulletins, but the conversation never died down.

“What do you like to do for fun, Jasmine?” he asked me, really looking interested at discovering the answer.

“Well, I enjoy the outdoors, so really anything…camping, swimming, hiking,” I smiled. “Really the list goes on.”

“Oh wow…you’re an adventurous girl.” He said the statement like he was in shock. I looked up from the poster board in front of me.

“You seem surprised,” I said.

He looked up and smirked, then shrugged. “I suppose I am a little, but I like that. Adventure means courage.” He winked at me. “Good quality to have.”

I blushed, but kept my eyes intently on his. “How about you, Trevor? What do you do for fun? Besides run a club, that is?”

He laughed and looked around the bar. “Well, sometimes people wouldn’t think this is a form of fun.” He then looked back at me and I hadn’t torn my eyes away. “Backpacking through Europe,” he replied.

I nodded. “Really? You’ve done that.”

His jaw dropped. “Hasn’t everyone?”

I chuckled. “Um…not on my side of town.” He laughed and continued to talk about it. I really saw a different side of him, too.

“You should really go sometime,” he said. “There was nothing like it.”

I doubted that I would ever have the opportunity, but I smiled and agreed that maybe I would give it a try. “When you’re not backpacking through Europe, what do you do for fun?” I asked.

“I like the outdoors too. Nothing like camping in fall, a fire in front of you, and getting lost in just watching the flames.” He was talking and I nearly forgot where I was as I kept looking at him and found myself getting drifted off into some fantasy land, where we were in front of a fire, cozied up and staring at the flames together. His arms wrapped around me, as nothing else mattered but the two of us. It was a vision that I would love to have played out. “Jasmine…Jasmine?” I finally and reluctantly pulled out of my fantasy.

“Uh…yeah…” I said, blushing as I looked back down at my bulletin board, I went back to writing the information, but his eyes were still on me.

“I thought I lost you,” he said, laughing slightly.

I shook my head, but didn’t look back up. I was getting too involved too fast, and soon this job would end and I would probably never see him again. I had to remain neutral about everything.

We continued working on all the signs, leaving not one empty board left untouched. We had banners, fliers, ads, brochures, and so much more to pass out to the neighbors and anyone else she could think of to share the news.

I had noticed that as we worked, it kept getting darker and darker outside. It wasn’t until we were done working on the signs that I looked at my watch.

“Wow! I’ve been here for six hours. It’s almost midnight.” I stood up, my knees were a little shaky from sitting for so long. “I’ll help you move these to the side and we can start putting them up tomorrow. I can be here earlier than normal, if you want.” I looked up at him and he nodded.

“That would be fine. Whatever works for you.”

We gathered the stuff and moved it to the backroom. I then went to his office to grab my purse. He had followed me. I looked up at him.